
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Valet Musiq - Hip Hop - Alabama, USA | Reverbnation | YouTube

19-04-2019 21:20 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Alabama's independent/emerging music scene with Valet Musiq

Valet Musiq
Hip Hop Music Artist
Alabama, USA


Hip-hop artist and singer Valet Musiq was born Adriane Perkins on July 20, 1986, in Montgomery, AL. Those that know her knows that she has a determined mind to succeed at whatever she does. Valet grew up singing in the church and school choir. She also took an interest in band where she played several instruments including the trombone and trumpet. Her love for writing began as an outlet to dealing with peer pressure as well as growing up in a single parent household along with her younger sister. After studying various courses in college, Valet made the decision that music is where her heart is. Determined to make it in the music business she began rapping and singing the very same lyrics that she had penned earlier in life. By 2011 Valet had recorded fer first song "Bombs Away" and began to perform at various night clubs throughout the city. Knowing that there were plenty of female rappers in the city, Valet began to distinguish her style by not only rapping but singing as well. Valet desires to one day connect with Nicki Minaj, Jay Z, and Justin Timberlake just to name a few in hopes of showing off her writing, rapping, and singing abilities as one of Hip-hop music's rising stars.





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