
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Allwinsnoloss - Hip Hop - Maryland, USA | SRL Networks London Music PR

17-10-2018 13:15 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Ohio's independent/emerging music scene with Allwinsnoloss

Hip Hop Music Artist
Maryland, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


AllWinsNoLoss: The New Wave Creator of Millennial Music

Two things are certain in life which are “death & taxes”. Any and everything else you accomplish in between comes from you getting it out the mud! The gritty city of Baltimore is not for the light-hearted and there are roses which grow from the concrete streets. Music is the universal language of the world and unifies people of all races and backgrounds. The global recording artist “AllWinsNoLoss” represents the new millennial culture of Hip-Hop coming out of Baltimore Maryland. The “prism” of how he perceives the world resonates sonically in all his music.

During the 2nd quarter of 2018, AllWinsNoLoss released his critically acclaimed EP (Extended Play) “For Smokers Only”. Everybody from trapstars, suburban white kids, college students, d-boys, & pure millennial hip-hop heads have embraced his brand of “millennial trap smokers” music. The lead single “Blazed Up” blares through our office “Beats by Dre” speakers and everybody in the room feels the Caribbean, melodic, and ultra-bass heavy acoustic sound. The track immediately shifts the energy of everybody in the room and the musical impact is 1000% electric!

During the session, our team previews the music video of the track. The video for “Blazed Up” is the ultimate visual masterpiece for the new wave music millennials. Smoking loud and fearlessly on the balcony of a 50 story Miami condo, overlooking the oceans could be perceived as “God’s Plan”. AllWinsNoloss creates the perfect visual experience for all listeners. The video transitions between scenes in a “Hype Williams” style layout and the visual captivates your mind & brings you closer to the world of “AllWinsNoLoss”.

The second track “Andromeda” is equally as powerful and magnetic. Literally, everybody in the listening session starts moving their leads left to right and dancing in their chairs. The artist “AllWinsNoLoss” music is universally decoded by all intended parties and the message impacts music millennials globally. One of the most intriguing components of the “AllWinsNoLoss” brand is the growing International fanbase. The United Kingdom, Japan, Africa, Canada, & Mexico are investing in the music, brand, & lifestyle of “AllWinsNoLoss”. International music millennials are streaming, downloading, & buying the “MERCH” of “AllWinsNoLoss”. The EP “For Smokers Only” has generated over 200,000 digital streams on multiple platforms including Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, & Pandora.

The streets and culture of Baltimore, Maryland has shaped and molded critical moral values of “AllWinsNoLoss”. AllWinsNoLoss has launched his own label, online social media network, merchandising company, & other business ventures in 2018. AllWinsNoLoss understands the value of “long-term” sustained success and his built for the “next level”. From his early beginnings walking the streets of Baltimore to rocking concert stages in New York city, AllWinsNoLoss has arrived.



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