
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: MultipointUSA - Avant Garde - Maryland, USA | SRL Networks London Music PR

23-11-2018 08:01 GMT

Avant Garde Music Artist
Maryland, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


Singer song writer crafting songs based on a lifetime of personal experiences. A bigger than life past, filled with a passion for living. An ongoing journey well wore and appreciated. A life from Motorcycles to love, joy and sorrow. An existence surrounded by sound of music, poetry and many of life’s blessings

MultipointUSA “Beyond the Edge and back” A musical entity based on improvisational guitar used as an emotional sword cutting its way through verse based on life experiences. Razing souls to many different levels of existence in 4/4 time. Starting again after a forty year break; “Horton dancehall for Midgets” (1976) see:

MultipointUSA is one person; I write all the songs, play all the instruments, and sing all the vocals, everything that is associated with the music. I enjoy the challenge of writing a verse and putting music to it. It’s a lot of hard work to find a direction and meaning to a song. It to me has to be real, taken from personal experience or a thought expanded through musical interpretation but real to me. My main instrument is the guitar; I picked it up again in 2008 after 30 years; a personal tragedy changed my outlook on reality, I decided if I was going to fade away I would do it as an artist. I happen to think the guitar is the most personal instrument ever created. It’s like picking up an emotional sword and cutting away all the bullshit in life. Playing guitar and singing just happens to pour out of me. I then take it and try to make a song out of the emotion. Creating thoughts in this manner has taken my soul to many different levels of existence. I am very great full for all the personal benefits that music and art has brought to my life. I’ve been influenced by many styles of music and many musicians along the way to understanding what I do when playing and composing music. I don’t know what to say other than I think I have my own style when it comes to expressing myself when playing and composing what I call my music. See and hear more for free at


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