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Indie Artist Auditions 2023: Alchemy Divine - Rock - Lombardy, Italy | SRL




16-03-2023 21:36 GMT

Music Audition. Discover Rock music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Lombardy's independent/emerging music scene with Alchemy Divine
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Alchemy Divine

Lombardy, Italy

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆


Milanese rock band. The project was born from the long friendship that unites us and which in 2 0 05 also became an artistic collaboration that generated the first drafts of songs that are our repertoire today.
It is precisely from the philosophy of not setting limits to our compositions that we have chosen to be like a musical laboratory always in the continuous search for new elements to mix, in order to confirm our style. In 2008 we created an Ep of 5 songs in collaboration with the Indie label Anko Music of Munich-Germany entitled 'The twilight zone'. In Jan 2011 the first album of 15 tracks entitled 'Have some fun!' was released. (TopRecords) where we changed the band name to ' Alchemy Divine ' because Alchemy was too closely tied to a famous Dire Straits CD which spawned countless tribute-bands bearing the same name. In Nov 2012 the album 'Fate' (unsigned/Zimbalam Dist.) was released. In Dec 2016 the new album 'Secrets' (unsigned/Zimbalam Dist.) was released.

Personal Curriculum

FRANCESCA MANTOVANI - Singer, Author, Actress/Dubber - born in Milan, 28 / March / 1963.
She studied singing with a well-known opera teacher, then devoted herself to rock music which would become her professional career.

Curriculum music

1980 - He begins his activity as a singer and chorister working live with Fabio Roveroni, Fabrizio Consoli, Roberto Manzin. 1987 - In parallel with his live activity with Mino Fabiano's group, he records countless radio jingles on behalf of Zerodibì (Mi) and collaborates on various record productions for Chroma Studio (Mi), Garden Studio (Bg-FPI Project), Airport Studio (Mi), Regson Studio (Mi).

1988 - He attended the Professional School of Theater of the CTA (Centro TeatroAttivo-Mi) and subsequently worked in numerous theatrical shows directed by: M.Maimone,V.Festi, L.Sicignano, N.Ramorino,A.Giuliani. (see theater curriculum)

1990 - Background Vocalist in the Gene Anthony Tour '90 (the Leroy of the television series Saranno Famosi).

1992- He performs in countless Italian and foreign clubs and discos as leader of Daydream, a Rock matrix band, (with whom he collaborates until 1996) winning the national competition Chianciano Terme'92.

1993-her ROLAND demonstrator at Smau '93 (Milan).She Starts writing texts with the technical collaboration of Cheope (Alfredo Rapetti).

1997 - Background vocalist in Jo Squillo's Italian tour (Mediolanum Tour'97).

1998 - Background vocalist of the RIO group, supporter band of Simple Minds (FilaForum of Assago-2 June 1998).

2000/2007- Live activity in clubs continues in parallel with a rock music project as a singer, in collaboration with Maurizio Belluzzo (composer, arranger) and Michael Kostka (drummer, author) in the project "Alchemy". He also writes subjects for musicals and elaborations of ancient and modern fairy tales.

2008-With the rock-band 'Alchemy' she realizes the 5-track Ep 'The twilight zone' in Munich in collaboration with the local label Anko Music GbH.

2011- The 15-track album 'Have some fun' is released with the same rock-band, renamed Alchemy Divine (to distinguish itself from the various Dire Straits cover bands), for the prestigious Italian label Top Records.

2012 - On November 20th the album 'Fate' is released, self-produced and distributed by the digital platform Zimbalam on the most famous digital stores in the world. - 2016 - From 1st Dec. the new album 'Secrets' is released, made in Milan and mastered in London by Mr. John Webber (AIR Studios Mastering).

Curriculum theater

1988- He attended the professional theater course of the CTA for 3 years following the specifics of mime, diction and improvisation with Augusta Gori, Nicoletta Ramorino, Pino Pirovano and that of dubbing with Federico Danti and Milena Hirsch; he also attends modern dance and jazz courses with Cristina Sforzini, always at the CT 1/2 Settembre Como, Basilica of S: Carpoforo: he recites in the show "Silenzio e Parola", medieval trilogy created by Bonifacio Baroffio, Valerio Festi, Italo Gomez
, Monica Maimone with the acting direction of Nicoletta Ramorino on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment of the Lombardy Region.

November - Brescia: participates in the video "Cinderella" directed by Nicoletta Ramorino, with Milena Hirsch and Marina De Juli.

6/7/8 December - Milan, Teatro SS:TrinitĂ  : plays in the show "Conversazione con la morte" by G.Testori, created and directed by Laura Sicignano with the participation of Luca Bizzarri.

1989- June 4 - Favignana, Egadi Festival : recites in the show "Scaglie di mare" with Kadigia Bove, ballets by Susanna Beltrami, directed by Monica Maimone. June 16 - Genoa, Villa Spinola : recites in "Luci di una notte d' summer", direction and special effects by Valerio Festi, directed by Monica Maimone. June 21 -Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio : recites in the show, for the "Solstice in Trentino" sponsored by the Trentino Alto Adige Region, "...Et tenebrae eum non comprerunt". Directed by Valerio Festi and with the participation of Marta Jacopini and Marina De Juli. 25 June-Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio: she plays Isabella D'Este in "The Domain of Twilight", with the extraordinary participation of soprano Catherine Schroeder, directed by Monica Maimone.

September 28 - Portofino: plays in the "Arte e Natura" review, promoted by Pubblitalia '80, in the show "Ma chi vi fece, o stelle" with nocturnes and concert arias by Pietro Metastasio and Wolfgang A. Mozart. Sopranos: Natalie Dessay, Tatiana Corovina, Eva Mei. Directed by Monica Maimone. October - Milan, "Paolo Grassi" Civic School of Dramatic Art: participates in the filming of the video work "Sleep, opium, pain" reworked from "Dialogue of Nature and an Icelandic" by Giacomo Leopardi, entered for the prize "Scenario", with Thomas Trabacchi and Luca Bizzarri.
Directed by Laura Sicignano.

1991-20 September - Lodi, Rive dell'Adda : with the patronage of the Lombardy Region, performs in the Festival "Mozart in Lombardia" in the show "Ma chi vi fece, o stelle". Directed by Monica Maimone.

1992- May 23- Lenno (Como), Villa Balbianello : plays in the show promoted by General Motors Co. "Fay ce qui voudras" directed by Valerio Festi.

1993-1/2/3/4 April - Milan, "Verdi" Theater : plays in the show based on the life of Byron and Shelley entitled "L'occhio delle graie" with Paolo Marchese, Alex Testa and Alessandro Gruttadauria, conceived and directed 

by Anna Giuliani.

1994- May 17/18/19/20/21 - Milan, "Verdi" Theater : plays in "Mutazione 114/xL 134", a cyber punk pièce with Danilo Ghezzi, Alberto Miccolis and Stefania Martinelli. Conceived and directed by Anna Giuliani.
1995 - Voice actress of the character "Jakie" in the feature film "Maya's play" produced by Larix Film Production.

1999- Milan : participates in the short film "Sospesa sul mondo di sotto" with Ginevra Colonna and Edoardo Siravo, written and directed by Barbara Nava and Gianfranco Damiano, produced by Warpy Prod., presented at the Anteo Spazio Cinema on 19/06/99.

MAURI BELLUZZO - pianist/keyboardist/guitarist composer/arranger, producer. Born in Bollate (MI) on 07/05/1966.

After classical studies, as a private student and at the Conservatory, he began his activity as a classical concert performer at a very young age and later specialized in the field of electronic, pop and rock music.

1985 - Castrocaro Terme with the HYDRA group.

1987 - With the band KRISTAL he is supporter of James Brown in the Italian tour of Mr.Dynamite.

1988 - With his bassist friend Frank Kopo he founded the DAYDREAM group with which he played in the main Italian and Swiss pubs.

1990 - With the 'KingKong band' he is keyboardist for Gene Anthony Ray (the Leroy of the colossal 'FAME'-Saranno Famosi) in the dates of his Italian Tour.

1991 - ROLAND official demonstrator (Rome, Videosuono '91). - Sounds the VHS for sale attached to LA MOTO magazine.

1992 - ROLAND official demonstrator (Milan,Sim Hi-Fi '92) and takes care of the technical column on the "Parola di Rockettaro" Synthesizers on the magazine "Il Mondo di ROLAND". - Collaborate with Dario Fochi at the

1993/97 - ROLAND Italian Demo-Tour '93. - Collaborates live with Giacomo Cocola (ex leader of Rossovivo), Pino Scotto (ex Vanadium), and with the bands Cairè, Cardio, Sharks, the Germans The Event, SuperJam (M. Solieri, A. Braido, C. Golinelli) . - He is Jo Squillo's keyboard player in the Italian summer tour '97.

1998 - With the band RIO he participates in the edition of Sanremo Rock and subsequently he is a supporter of SIMPLE MINDS at the FilaForum in Assago (June 2nd '98).

1999 - Collaborates Live with Francesca Chiara (Sanremo '99) at the Show-case of the album "Il Parco dei Sogni" (Sony-Columbia) and in the studio with the South African producer Allan M. Goldberg.

2000 - He meets the sound-engineer Max Costa, with whom as composer he gives life to an electronic music project in collaboration with the singer-songwriter Francesca Mantovani. - He is Paola Turci's keyboard player in the summer and winter tour "Mi basta il Paradiso" with the occasional performances of Max Gazzè and Carmen Consoli also participating in HELP and ROXYBAR conducted
by Red Ronnie on the occasion of the promotion of the singles "Questione di sguardi" and "Sabbia bagnata".

2001 - Recorded the international theme song of the 2001 Equestrian Tournament at Marco Guarnerio's Didde Studio. -Works with the band of the TV quiz Passaparola, "Orioles band" by Luca Orioli. - He works with the producer-arranger Fabio Balestrieri in the main recording studios as a musician and co-arranger. - Pianist and keyboardist in the latest CD by Alessandro Mara (Gabric Ed.Mus). -

2002/07 - In addition to the 'Alchemy' project, he collaborates in the creation of fairy tales and music for sale at Italian newsstands, as a sound engineer.
-Keyboardist-collaborator and author of 2 songs ("Goin'on" and "Wild horses") of the band "Fire Trails" whose new homonymous CD was released in 2003, led by the ex-leader of Vanadium Pino Scotto.
- Participates as a pianist in the CD 'And they call us poets' by the Zelig comedian Flavio Oreglio.
-Creates at the X-Rooms studio (of which he is co-founder together with the engineer Allan Goldberg) the song "Balla" ("Baila" for the Spanish market) by Gisella Donadoni as author and arranger. -Realizes Giacomo Cocola's LP 'Sogni, usi e trisogni' as keyboardist-arranger and artistic producer-Enters the role of keyboardist in the hard-rock band "ELEKTRIC ZOO", Anglo-Italian formation composed by Graham Bonnet (ex -vocalist of Rainbow, Alcatraz..), Dario Mollo, Roberto Gualdi and Guido Block, on the occasion of the spring 2004 European live-tour which touched Italy, Austria, Spain, England and Scotland. With guitarist Steve Angarthal he co-wrote the song 'Third Moon' on the new FIRETRAILS CD of the same name.

2008 - With his own rock-band 'Alchemy' he realizes the 5-track Ep 'The twilight zone' in Munich in collaboration with the local label Anko Music GbH.

2011- The 15-track album 'Have some fun' is released with the same rock-band, renamed Alchemy Divine (to distinguish itself from the various Dire Straits cover bands), for the prestigious Italian label Top Records.
He is also the author of several songs in the new CD by Pino Scotto Codici KO, with the prestigious performances of Key Marcello (guit. Europe) and Mike Terrana (drummer Malmsteen, Rage, Steve Lukater ..)

2012 - On November 20th the album 'Fate' is released, self-produced and distributed by the digital platform Zimbalam on the most famous digital stores in the world. 2016 - Participates in the album + DVD 'Live for a dream' by Pino Scotto. The new Alchemy Divine album 'Secrets' comes out on 1st Dec., made in Milan and mastered in London by Mr. John Webber (AIR Studios Mastering).

MICHAEL KOSTKA - drummer, author - born in Markdorf -Oberschleisien (Germany) on 10/04/1962.

He began playing the drums in Germany in the early 1980s, studying privately, and continued after moving to Italy in the school of Tullio De Piscopo, the "NAMM" in Milan, and subsequently with Giorgio Di Tullio.

1985/87 - Co-founder of the German rock group "The Event", they release their first self-titled album for the Swiss label PDU distributed by EMI, participating in various television broadcasts including DiscoRing, Festivalbar, and others, and with the video clip of the song TT, broadcast on Videomusic.

1988 - The new LP "What's the matter" is released again for the Swiss PDU distributed by EMI and promoted like the previous album also in Italy.

!989/90 - They make a third album but it is not released. She detaches herself from the "The Event" project and participates in Papa Winnie's European promotional tour in all her television appearances including Festivalbar, Miss Italy Contest, Bathing Beauties, Coco, and many others.

1991 - He becomes the official ROLAND Italia demonstrator as drummer for the Roland TR8, and participates in the SIM Hi-Fi show in Rome (Videosuono'91).

1992/95-Drummer in various cover bands in the Milan area, he plays in the main pubs and discos in Northern Italy.

1996/97 - Drummer in the summer tours of Jo Squillo and in the Milanese concert of Chuck Berry at the Palalido.

1998/2001 - Plays with the Lynyrd-Skynyrd tribute band, and with other rock bands including the rockers Cherry-Pie.

2002/6 - He enters the 'Alchemy' project on a permanent basis, of which he is the drummer and author of the lyrics.

2008 - With his own rock-band 'Alchemy' he realizes the 5-track Ep 'The twilight zone' in Munich in collaboration with the local label Anko Music GbH.

2011- The 15-track album 'Have some fun' is released with the same rock-band, renamed Alchemy Divine (to distinguish itself from the various Dire Straits cover bands), for the prestigious Italian label Top Records.
2012 - On November 20th the album 'Fate' is released, self-produced and distributed by the digital platform Zimbalam on the most famous digital stores in the world. - 2016 - From 1st Dec. the new album 'Secrets' is released, made in Milan and mastered in London by Mr.

LUCA DE MARE - bassist - born in Gallarate (VA) on 03/25/86.

He began studying bass in 2006 at the A.Vivaldi Academy, Corgeno (VA) - Since 2014 he has been taking private lessons from Marco Brambilla. Coming from the Metal and Death genre, he has been part of some local bands including Mechanical Blood and Soul Rape, playing in various clubs on the Lombard rock / metal circuit. Bassist of undisputed talent and technique for his young age and with the particularity of using the fretless bass as a distinctive element. Since November 2017 he has permanently joined Alchemy Divine.



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