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Music Auditions: Tommy Blve - Alternative - Birmingham, UK | SRL Auditions

06-01-2020 15:34 GMT

Tommy Blve
Alternative Music Songwriter
Birmingham, UK


im never really very good at these parts because theres not really much to say as im quite a simple person. I dont really go out much or go to clubs as they have never really interested me. All ive ever wanted to do in live is make music and get tattoos haha. Music has been there for me when no one else was and has honestly saved me through a lot of hard times in my life such as heartbreak and my mother passing away last year. I honestly feel like there is no one in the UK underground scene that can do what i do when it comes to being versatile and different. My music goes from auto tune melodic hard trap beats to literally me just singing over an acoustic guitar. Im very much looking forward to hearing back from you as opportunity like this is honestly a dream come true for me.




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