
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: BleuGangsta - Hip Hop - Florida, USA | Soundcloud | YouTube

10-01-2020 16:04 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Florida's independent/emerging music scene with BleuGangsta

Hip Hop Music Artist
Florida, USA


My artist name is Bleu or Bleugangsta. I am from Newnan, GA. I recently moved to Florida. I’m twenty-five years young. I am a full-time student and full-time direct care staff. I started writing poetry at a young age. I never felt the need to share my material until I went off to college. I entered my first talent show and performed my coming out story. It was in college when I got the name Bleu. Afterward, I continued to write and even got into music. I recorded my first song with a hometown friend name Terry. The song was a gospel track titled “Failure Not An Option.” We started performing the song at church events and got some good feedback. As time went on, my writing became more and more encouraging to me and others who I shared it with. It wasn’t until I entered an All Female Contest hosted by a good friend of mine Infinite D Music. I entered the contest performing a personal piece about my little sister titled “Miracle’s Are Real.” I was up against very talented female artist from singers to rappers. At the end of the contest, I took home the grand prize. At that moment, I started believing in myself and my gifts. So I started writing and recorded my first solo single called “Live Long.” The song was dedicated to my big brother, and it encouraged him to make better choices in this cruel world to live long and not long live. I got some musical advise from friends and family to start copyrighting my materials. After “Live Long,” I wrote my second single “On My Own,” unknowingly this song became my anthem. The song talks about standing on your own and never feeling like you belong, but somehow I continue to push through all alone. From that moment on, I continue to push harder and strive for better. My music became my scapegoat. Any experience that I went through that taught me lessons; I would write about. I write about my family struggles, my broke days, broken days, heartbreaks, my depression, the loss of a parent, and so much more. My goal is to reach all ages. My music is different from others. I tell people that I can’t write about things I’ve never done or been through. I’m recently working on finishing my bachelor’s degree and working on an EP. This EP expected to give the people an insider look at who B.L.E.U. really is. Bleu stands for Beautifully Living Everyday Until. When you add the gangsta, it stands for Beautifully Living Everyday Until God Answers N Guides Steps To Accomplishment. My motto in life is to remain Humble, Loyal, and True. Only speak the truth. Somethings I write about most people won’t want to hear but for those who actually listen and comprehend what I am saying knows the different from Bleu’s music and anybody else. I am most influenced by Michael Jackson and 2Pac. My mission is to leave a legacy worth following. Motivate, Encourage, and speak life to those who listen. I tell people who ask me, “what are your plans with your music?” I respond, “I just want to speak my truth and hopefully reach a few. It’s not about the fame. It’s more of what can I do to help benefit my family so we can be wealthy in mind, body, and spirit. It took a lot of tears and failed attempts to get to where I am today. I would be lying if I said I did it all on my own. With God, family, and great supporters who believe in my movement, vision, and music; I find the strength to keep striving. With being a full-time student, employee, and doing music in my free-time, my everyday life is on-going non-stop. Many ask how do I do it, but I can only say with motivation, determination, and support; you can do anything.





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