
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: MJ Laupp - Christian - Iowa, USA | Soundcloud | YouTube

22-05-2019 18:02 GMT

Discover Christian music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Iowa's independent/emerging music scene with MJ Laupp

MJ Laupp
Christian Music Artist
Iowa, USA


I am so honored that you have stopped by! My name is MJ Laupp and I’ve been involved in the world of music for as long as I can remember. My first piano lesson was one week after I turned 4 1/2. I have played ever since. In fifth grade, I began playing the flute and I sang my first vocal solo in church when I was 12.

Over the course of my life I have sung in large and small venues, played piano and flute solos, accompanied soloists and ensembles of all sizes. I also spend quite a bit of time working in the world of musical theater as a director, musical director, rehearsal accompanist, pit pianist, and even occasionally as a performer.

In the 90’s I wrote my first original song. I call myself a “reluctant songwriter” because I rarely ever sit down and say “Today is a good day to write a song.” Usually the song is inspired by an experience, a lesson learned, a conversation, or a special event. These songs are my story; a musical retelling of my personal spiritual journey. When I sing them I am reminded of how far my Abba has brought me and each song gives me strength for what lies down the road.

While you’re here, visit “The Stories Behind the Songs” and get a glimpse of my journey. Stop back often as I’ll be adding stories as well as giving people a chance to purchase the sheet music for the songs!





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