
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Luckydaboss - Hip Hop - Oklahoma, USA | Soundcloud | YouTube

19-04-2019 19:25 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Oklahoma's independent/emerging music scene with Luckydaboss

Hip Hop Music Artist
Oklahoma, USA


I am an Akan, my name is Yovan Brindou and everyone calls me Luckydabo$$. I am the founder of a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) called Action pour le tier monde / Action for the third world. The goal of the organization is to come to people assistance all over the world and help improve lives and living conditions. My people are from the Ashanti Kingdom in West Africa, in what is now Ghana and part of Ivory Coast. After several wars with the colons the kingdom spread all over the west coast of Africa with the Main seat still in Ghana. My people migrated and my great-great-grand ancestors moved their communities and their people all the way toward the left (Which is the East part of Ivory Coast) where they settled. I come from a royalty, my Great-great grand Father took care of our people and passed it down from generation to generation. In 1989 my father came to the U.S with bigger goals and ideas in mind. My father was very active in social issues in Ivory Coast and was involved in a lot of good projects for the people. I joined my father in the U.S around my 18 th birthday which was a very good moment. Growing up, I was a very active kid. I played soccer for major teams in Ivory Coast since the age of 7 (Stella Club, WAC, I was selected for under 17 national team) and I was acting and performing sometimes for my school and church, maybe it is a Gemini thing who knows  . I kept on doing the things that I loved doing when I got to Brooklyn New York City. I continued school and graduated from high school while doing music, performing and hanging out with friends. I went to college and joined the U.S Army which was a great experience. I also met people who loved music and I decided to take it to the next level. Luckydabo$$ is also a certified Architect, Real Estate agent, an engineering Technician (Seagate, Dell Technology), Major in Economics, Ex U.S Army Logistic Specialist, a linguist (Fluent in French and English), President of the NGO Action Pour le Tier Monde. When I got out of the Army (August 2008), I took the driver’s seat to control the path that I wanted in my life so I slowly worked my way up and purchased the things that I needed in order to break the barrier. I put my recording studio together and started to produce hits after hits. It was a tough road. I met good and bad people during my journey and I do not think it will stop when you have missions and goals. Because of life experience, I called my single “Dedication” for anyone out there to know and understand that in life you will reach your goals only if you associate yourself with people with the same mentality and hunger for success. Music heals souls and I will heal as many souls as possible with my music that’s why I chose to bless people lyrically in both French and English and hope to reach a large audience worldwide. I bless the POWER for allowing me to share this ability with the world. Get ready to enjoy this new energy in music brought to you by Luckydabo$$. Yovan Brindou Luckydabo$$





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