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Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Rocc Replay - Hip Hop - Washington, USA | YouTube | Soundcloud

21-02-2019 11:01 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Washington's independent/emerging music scene with Rocc Replay

Rocc Replay
Hip Hop Music Artist
Washington, USA

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆


Rocc Musicc Hip Hop Rocc Hop Been In Works Since 2006 Street Box SB-246 Zoom HD-16 Hard Disc Started This But That Was Just Part Of It.The Other Part Of It The Hard Life To Live I Rather Get Money And Go Quick Then Live Forever Broke As Shit!! "So Every Thing You Do You Gots To Work Hard At It" Like Nas Said But What Rocc Said And Not In A Mic Or A Camera If You Don't Pay Me For My Work Atleast I Can Still Swing A Hammer And Build Your House So That Also Means I Can Knock It Down Im Not Much Of Talker But If Everyone Is Talking Why Not Have Something Real!! To Talk About Or Else You Just Making Horrible! Sound There For Not Taking It Serious Greed And Lust For Material Pieces Delerious Infearer To The Fact That You Just WACK!!! So Stay Live And If Its Hip Hop Im Doing Then Im Doing It Live Real Raw Me Life That My Eyes Saw And Seen Stay True To The Culture By Giving!! Not Taking! Earning! Not Making! Learning! Not Faking!! There's So Much Great Music Out There Im Just Adding My Peice To It So Maybe One Day It Will Last Forever. No Doubt! Listen Too ** Loss Monstarz ** $



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