
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Martin Lloyd - Contemporary Christian - Victoria, Australia | SRL Networks London Music PR

02-10-2018 13:09 GMT

Discover Contemporary Christian music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Victoria's independent/emerging music scene with Martin Lloyd

Martin Lloyd
Contemporary Christian Music Artist
Victoria, Australia

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆


Martin lives in Melbourne, Australia and has been writing music and expressing worship through song for over 25 years. Drawing inspiration from scripture, particularly the Psalms, as well as his own personal relationship with God, Martin blends interesting melodies and rich chordal piano parts to achieve a combination of both spontaneous and well-crafted songs. Together with a team of other spirit-led musicians, Martin has been able to capture some of his more recent expressions to God in his first release, Secret Place. It is Martin's desire that this album will lead listeners on a journey to the secret place of greater intimacy with their Loving Father.


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