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Do They Remind You Of Pearl Jam? | Indie Auditions '23




04-05-2023 19:19 GMT

Music Audition. Discover Rock music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Athens's independent/emerging music scene with Perfect faith
Music by Perfect faith on YouTube | Spotify

Perfect faith

Athens, Greece

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆

"We want to find opportunities. "

People also searched for: Marshall amps, Pearl Jam


An alternative rock band from Athens

We are Perfect Faith, an authentic sounding alternative Rock band in Athens Greece created in 2013 by George Kondogeorgos, singer, songwriter and rhythm guitarist of the band.

Our main ingredient is the strong sharp and atmospheric sound from our electric and acoustic guitars. A blast from the Rocking 90’s with the sound of today, making music for a better tomorrow. That’s Perfect faith .

Our debut album “Rise” appeared in December 2014, with the 12 first songs of the band and the significant contribution of many good musicians and friends.

Three years later, in December 2017, our second album “Uncertain World” was released with 10 new songs, establishing our stigma from the Athens coast.

Our third and double album “Critical Diversity” with 18 new songs, and a complete social-political perspective, dropped on October 2021.

Career Goals | Objectives:

Open to all opportunities may occur

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Marshall amps, Fender guitars, JAM pedals

Influences | Sounds Like:

Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Porcupine tree



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