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Music Auditions: Free Creatures - Alternative Rock - Oregon, USA | Music Discovery XO




06-05-2023 17:07 GMT

Music Audition. Discover Alternative Rock music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Oregon's independent/emerging music scene with Free Creatures
Music by Free Creatures on YouTube | Spotify

Free Creatures

Oregon, USA

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆

"I want to book more gigs worldwide. "


Marv Ellis, the band's founder, has been performing and producing for 20 years. The Free Creatures project began when he met his now wife Emily Turner, and their own bands fell apart. Guitar shredding warlock magician Skyler Squglio joined the duo in 2019, and the group has been performing 50-70 shows every year since (excluding 2020 obviously). Marv and Emily are retired hemp farmers. Emily was born and raised in Anchorage Alaska, and is completely self taught on the upright bass. Marv Ellis is also fluent in Spanish, and was raised in a bilingual Spanish immersion program. Skyler Squglio plays his guitar upside-down and left handed, NOT restrung. The three of us have spent the last year and a half playing 2-4 shows a week and rehearsing / recording non stop. We've dropped four singles in the last six months and are about to drop a live album AND our second full length studio album. We are embarking on a two week tour of Alaska in August, and then a big east cost tour in Sep/October, which includes two weeks in the north east with dates in Manhattan, Bronx, etc and also a week in North Carolina, a week in New Orleans, and a week in Texas. Our band operates under an LLC and pays taxes. We also produce all our music in house, as well as film, produce, and edit our own music videos; 9 official music videos to date. We're fully committed and ready to go anywhere.

Career Goals | Objectives:

To book more gigs worldwide , get more fans, and find help with PR and publicity.

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:

Just elementary school band.

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Electric upright bass , MPC, electric guitar, pocket trumpet

Influences | Sounds Like:

Portishead , Atmosphere, Glass Animals, The Fugees

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

Yes- 70 shows in the last 12 months.



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