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Music Auditions: Five X - Hip Hop - New York, USA | Music Discovery XO




09-08-2022 03:46 GMT

Five X

Hip Hop Music Artist
New York, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


I’ve started writing songs at the age of 14 freshmen year in high school since then I’ve been writing poems but I recently started recording songs 2014 was the year when I actually went to a real recording studio to lay down some tracks. I’ve stopped recording in 2015 due to my grandmother passing away but I went back to the studio in 2020 and from 2020-2021 I’ve recorded 2 new albums one solo album and one group album. 2022 is my break through year lots of new music on the way and also new music videos.

Career Goals | Objectives:

Full time musician

Influences | Sounds Like:

Sound original

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

2 shows




For hip hop music licensing, press releases, marketing, artist/band bookings and hip hop PR related inquiries, to submit music, or for general Artists And Repertoire (A&R) or Music PR inquiries please contact the music department at
