
Music Auditions: Slicey Stacy - Hip Hop - Saskatchewan, Canada | Music Discovery XO




23-11-2021 23:34 GMT

Slicey Stacy

Hip Hop Music Artist
Saskatchewan, Canada

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


I was born and raised in Colombia in a hard and thought setting. It was hard for us to get things going because of the dangerous lifestyle or Colombians around there and the trouble of moving, changing jobs, and transportation.. we had to struggled a lot and it was hard for my dad to keep food on the table for the big faulty he had, he had 6 kids and as wife at the time.. this made it a priority for me to learn about the world including, the system, education, religion, and consciousness, business industry and any industry, work, jobs, taxes, and music. I found my taste in life in the music industry and my persuasion to art in my likeness in music with my taste, grew around there. I thought about different songs I. Wanted to write, which style of music, and also what I wanted to do in my life through my career, for ex: when i wanted to come out as n artist, how I'm going to come out as an artist, how I'm going to promote and advertise as an artist how often and how many collabs I want to do with other artists, when I want to perform infront off an audience and how everything has to be going in, what I. Would do in my spare time, How "in" or how "social" I want to be, I wanted to do with relationships, how long for each relationship, how I want to treat my girls how I want to leave them, who I'll stay in contact with, breaks, vacation, how I will help people, how often I party, what substances I wanted to take in, which people I wanted to meet, what I wanted to do for schooling, what I wanted to do for work, which ministries I wanted to be part of, how often I visit family, and that's what's kept me going and keeps me going everyday.. I like to talk about the mind, what people think of life and I so love. Conversations about that subject, I'd love to smoke a join with people and keep talking about that forever,, I always wanted to come out as an artist around 20 because I didn't want to be parto the wave of young artists, I wanted to be part of the more grounded ones, so in the meanwhile I livestreamed ( started when I was 5 on my dad's phone, and kept live streaming again when I was 13, since then I've got my account banned or blocked more than 10 times I don't even remember the names of the apps I used anymore but I use if your wondering my screen name is Slicey Stacy.. since THEN, I've made beats, wrote lyrics, wrote poetry, made videos, joined drama class for experience,, soooo that's a little about myself- Slicey Stacy

Career Goals | Objectives:

find a manager

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:

Took singing lessons at Zoar Mennonite Church 2013

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

microphone, headphones, sound panels,, can't stand it without my sound pannels

Influences | Sounds Like:

they say lil man trippie red etc, but ikd

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

I will





For hip hop music licensing, press releases, marketing, artist/band bookings and hip hop PR related inquiries, to submit music, or for general Artists And Repertoire (A&R) or Music PR inquiries please contact the music department at
