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The Eagles And Pink Floyd Are Awesome, But Check This Out




01-11-2021 17:29 GMT

Russell Foisy

Rock Music Artist
Florida, USA

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆


I have been a music fan all of my life and attended so many concerts. There is much admiration for many artists, with a dream one day I could create and sing my own collection of original lyrics and songs. It is never too late to achieve your goals. It is important in lyrics to tell a story, about family, my real life experience and current events.

Career Goals | Objectives:

More Fans and digital streams and more cd's sold

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:

Vocal Coach with Naomi T. Kaye here in Florida

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Mic, Mic Stands, Speakers, Lyric Stands

Influences | Sounds Like:

My main influences are The Eagles and Pink Floyd

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

6-7 gigs





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