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Peter Gabriel, U2, Citizen Cope Style Rock Group - Rian Mac's Audition


22-04-2021 17:53 GMT

Peter Gabriel, U2, Citizen Cope influenced rock group, Rian Mac on the Music Discovery XO Auditions
Music by Rian Mac on Spotify | YouTube

Rian Mac
Rock Group
California, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


Rian Music are a group of Artists writing, producing and releasing music and music videos. They have a New Album being released early 2020 titled “4th St.”. Based in Oakland Ca., the Rian Music members are: Rian Mac, Grammy Member, singer/songwriter, originally from Ireland moved to the Bay Area chasing his dream of letting the world share in his music. Inspired to perform music from an early age through the Fighting and Drinking songs of his traditional upbringing, Rian brings real passion to his vocals and his songwriting. James “The Godfather” Gardiner, Grammy nominated producer and multiple instrumentalist. The Bottom line is James creates killer grooves and powerful music and also brings in his wonderfully unique string performances, approach and soulful tones to these recordings. With 50 Gold records to his name, James is a pure genius when it comes to producing music. Victor Campos, songwriter, guitar, backing vocals. Victor blends multiple styles effortlessly and plays all guitar parts on these recordings, from his wonderful picking acoustic guitar performances to his driving riffs and lead playing, Victor Rocks! Rian Music also features aspiring artists, musicians and vocalist on many of their recordings, such as Bay Area artists “Kay Rayne” and “Yue” and from Texas “Tehrah Love”.

Rian Mac- Grammy Member,singer/songwriter, vocalist, producer, owner of Rian Music James Gardiner- Grammy Nominated Producer, multi musical instruments including Keyboards, bass, beats etc. Victor Campos-Guitars, songwriter.

Airplay on numerous California collage radio stations, SF, San Diego, UCLA.. Also local airplay on Bay Area Radio stations.  

Rian Music has a New Album titled “4th St”. being released March 26th. 14 original songs. Numerous singles have been previously released worldwide on most platforms, Spotify, itunes, soundcloud etc 

Rian Mac grew up in Ireland and began performing in bars and clubs while still in Highschool. When he came to America, with a guitar and only $20.00 in his pocket he took to the streets of San Francisco and began busking. Rian Music have performed all over the San Francisco Bay Area, including San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. 

Producer James ’The Godfather’ Gardiner is a Grammy Nominated Producer who owns Pajama Recording Studios, Touch tone Productions and Gardiner Music Mentoring. He has worked with Tupac, Will Smith, Beyonce and many more well know artists and has worked on the Star Wars franchise and The Fast and Furious franchise. Over the years James has produced over 50 Gold records. 

Rian Mac grew up in Ireland and began performing the passionate fighting and drinking songs of his traditional upbringing. Rian has refined and polished his performances over the years and brings this unique passion to all his performances and writings. Victor Campos blends his guitar stylings effortlessly, from his finger picking to his driving rock riffs, Victor leaves it all out and rocks. James Gardiner on Production with his unbelievable natural talent, puts together hit songs. 

SongA : Diplomatic Skies- Written by Rian Mac & Victor Campos. This song talks about the change needed in the world today, from changes in the Government to changes in us all that need to be made. Emotional call for action. Song B: I’m The One- Written by Rian Mac, Victor Campos and James Gardiner, tells the story of a person getting out of a bad situation and rising above it. Driving beats and killer hooks. Song C: There you are- Written by Rian Mac, James Gardiner and Victor Campos. This is a song about drinking to forget! He tries to forget about a lover but everywhere he goes he sees her. Radio friendly, catchy tune. 

Peter Gabriel has influenced the writing styles on these songs. How he pushes the boundaries of music. 

The theme of the Album 4th St. is life. How we respond to our lives, the ups and downs of life and how we have to rise above. 

Immediate Plans are to promote and perform the New Album world wide, starting in the Bay Area with local radio stations and music magazines. Then on to recording more singles for release in 2021. 

Long terms goals of keep writing and performing great songs and one day win a grammy.

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:

Studied in SSN music business

Influences | Sounds Like:

Peter Gabriel, U2, Citizen Cope

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

online 20 shows





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