07-07-2020 22:31 GMT
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Music by Moment Of Madness on Soundcloud | YouTube |
Moment Of Madness
Metalcore Music Band
Basel, Switzerland
Sometimes we imagine that our thoughts are just like little clouds. Some of them carry positive, happy thoughts. Others make us feel bad and unwell. In life it is important to know where you want to go. The right handling with difficult situations is not always easy. Often an answer to a question is found by making mistakes. That is one thing that we learned». ««Clouds» tells stories and experiences about our lifes. From time to time we all experience a difficult period of life and the loss of people who we feel close to. Through the lyrics we express how we overcame uncomfortable emotions. This album is a confrontation with ourselves and what we experience every day». In November 2015 «Moment of Madness» was founded by Stefan Wittwer (Drums), Ivo Gäumann (Leadguitar) and Andrea Leandro Perin (Vocals). In the middle of 2018 Jonas Brandenberger (Rhythmguitar) joined the band. At that point the aim was to create an album and to play shows. In the beginning of 2019, the two singles «Screw You» und «Clouds» have been released. In December 2019 followed the first studioalbum «Clouds». The first show «Moment of Madness» played was in September 2019 at the «youth culture music festival» in Basel, Switzerland. Shortly after that the band played their release show of the album «Clouds» at the «Sommercasino» club in Basel. In Summer 2020 the band will play «Open Air Gränichen 2020», also in Switzerland. This will be the band’s biggest show yet. Since December 2019 «Moment of Madness» works on the second studio album. After the release of «Clouds» it has already been clear, that a second studio album will be a definite plan. With producing and creating the first album the band made a lot of helpful and interesting experiences and has now a clear vision, how the sound of the second album should sound like.
Career Goals | Objectives:
get more fans, book more gigs and maybe get signed
Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:
Focusrite 18i20, Axe Fx 3, VMS Slate Digital, Dt 770 Pro, Cubase 10, Adam Audio T7V
Influences | Sounds Like:
While She Sleeps, Bury Tomorrow,
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