
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Sir Skrapy - Hip Hop - Nebrasky, USA | YouTube | Reverbnation

10-09-2019 10:42 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Nebrasky's independent/emerging music scene with Sir Skrapy

Sir Skrapy
Hip Hop Music Artist
Nebrasky, USA


Sir Skrapy has been a publik figure in the musik industry for a very long time. He has kreated a buzz that has bekum a blessing. Skrapy started in the musik circuit in 1988 as a battle rapper to gain the respekt of his peers. He found a niche and made a vow to take this farther. As time went on skrapy got better and better at his kraft, but now he found his self in a group kalled S.O.M.O. (skillz ovda madd ones) in 1992 where they stated doing shows, mixtapes and of kourse more battles. Somo got signed with Big Daddy Sounds in the late 90's which changed their life.. They travelled the world sold some albums and met people of their dreams. One thing led to another, Skrapy finally ended up goin solo and put out mixtape album D.I.K.P. which did pretty good. With all the knowledge of how to make things work for him, skrapy plotted his next move. A cali native from San Diego brought forth his sophmore album No Mo Sleepin. This projekt has did very good and still is in circulation in all digital stores. Skrapy believes that he now know what it takes to launch his kareer to the next level. With next future releases, "The Buck & Skrap Show, Above komprehension, Veterans Day, dark ages, Hostile Intelligentz, and the BFM Reunion" albums kumn soon skrapy is sure to have a positive outcome. With his new found energy and advertising methods skrapy release. Enjoy the 0ta60 movement and please sign the mailing list. And remember to Buy Sir Skrapy - No Mo Sleepin (m4a) at and every other digital store you kan think of.





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