
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Buguinha Dub - Dub - Recife, Brazil | YouTube | Soundcloud

02-06-2019 19:41 GMT

Discover Dub music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Recife's independent/emerging music scene with Buguinha Dub

Buguinha Dub
Dub Artist
Recife, Brazil


It's very hard for Buguinha Dub to answer the classic question: "when did music get into your life?". In reality, Buguinha was already born into music because of his father Bugão, who had a sounc company named Buga Som. Since his childhood, Buguinha literally lived amongst equipments and sound boxes in Olinda (Pernambuco, Brasil).

Naturally, the producer developed music work in Recife and Olinda during the classic Movimento Manguebeat 90's. After a while, he moved to São Paulo, continuing his music works and got the chance to found the Mundo Novo Studio. It was from there that Buguinha influenced the brazilian music with his mixes inspired by the art of dub, a mixing technique which was developed in Jamaica and influenced music all over the world.

No doubt, Buguinha Dub is one of the most important music producers from Brasil. During his career, he worked as PA technician, producer, mixer and master with names such as: Ponto de Equilíbrio, Mundo Livre S/A, Natiruts, Marinal Peralta, Planta & Raiz, Nação Zumbi, Racionais MC's, Baiana System, Black Alien, Digitaldubs, Flora Matos and many others.

In 2008/2009, Buguinha released his very first album, entitled "Vitrola Adubada". Since then, the producer from Olinda tours the world promoting his works. Besides of have travalled Brazil from North to South, Buguinha was also in Portugal, Spain, Norway and etc.





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