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Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Time Travel Band - Rock - Malmo, Sweden

01-06-2019 15:59 GMT

Discover Rock music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Malmo's independent/emerging music scene with Time Travel Band

Time Travel Band
Rock Band
Malmo, Sweden


I compose music, write lyrics, sing, play all instruments and produce music. The more I contribute to music the stronger my passion grow.

My inspiration is all music I have enjoyed in my life. For me the founding is often pop/rock and I will add influences from different styles such as classical, progressive or experimental music.

I am probably born with my passion for music since I have no memory of a life without it. As a small kid I remember my mom turning on the radio and I sat by the piano trying to copy the notes that I heard.

There is something about music that speaks directly to my heart. Also there is where my own music is born. It is only after the music is created I can start to add lyrics. My lyrics are mostly about life, emotions, fantasies, experiences and thoughts about the world.

When producing music, I love how the music and lyrics matures and develops over time during the creative process. As music means the world to me I also want to bring meaning to all who listens to me. I wish to spread joy and happiness to all of you.



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