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Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Death n Taxes - Rock - California, USA | Soundcloud | YouTube

15-06-2019 16:04 GMT

Discover Rock music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore California's independent/emerging music scene with Death n Taxes

Death n Taxes
Rock Music Artist
California, USA


Death n Taxes is a 2 piece garage rock/post punk group from the North Bay. They formed in the summer of '14 with offset idols like The Doors, The Hives, Duran Duran and Hunter S Thompson as unlikely inspirations, aiming to create riot-music that you can dance to. If Hendrix had played for The Sex Pistols, then it might have sounded like this. Bleeding irony and as practical as lighting birthday candles with a flamethrower, Death n Taxes continue to terrorize and seduce The Bay Area like a wet nightmare.

Band members:
Kriss Gerhardt on vocals/guitar
Amanda Tchamourian on drums





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