
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Sabina Toll - Electronica - Brussels, Belgium | YouTube

05-06-2019 15:43 GMT

Discover Electronica music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Brussels's independent/emerging music scene with Sabina Toll

Sabina Toll
Electronica Music Artist
Brussels, Belgium


Here lies the story of a girl who found an old music box. She opened the box and found it was filled with sounds and songs of yore- and not so yore. Some she remembered writing words to and she heard her own voice humming those tune.When te girl heard these enchanting sounds , she decided they had been stuck in the old music box far too long. She took everything out and she put the words and music box back together in a brand new orchestrina. After a while , the Brand New Orchestrina was finished and the girl now takes it with her wherever she goes. Even on her weekly visits to the sun, the earth and to herself. And so she sings happily ever after. In short, this is die gans waargebeurd based on the life of Sabina Toll, from Winterslag ( 4de cité)...




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