
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Von-T - Hip Hop - Georgia, USA | YouTube | Soundcloud

11-05-2019 19:06 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Georgia's independent/emerging music scene with Von-T

Hip Hop Music Artist
Georgia, USA


The definition of loyal [loi-uhl] means faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state. Loyalty is a priceless characteristic. Every human being, organization, employer, spouse, and even God requires this exclusive trait. Imagine being employed by the highest form of “human government” and pledging 100% allegiance only to discover your loyalty was in vain. Suppression of God's gift in oneself is the most devasting blow to any human, and it challenges the central purpose of most individuals. Von-T is a decorated member of the “Armed Forces” and a national hero to every young soldier currently serving our country.

Von-T’s military training provides a competitive musical advantage over the average music artist. Being professionally trained for warfare and mortal combat created a strategic military mentality which enables Von-T to combine rap metaphors blended with original lyrics of freedom. Von-T was born with a musical mind, and his god given talent is immeasurable. Von-T views life through a much different lens than the average person. The soul of Von-T is a beautiful maze of deep introspective thoughts, powerful human insight, and virtuoso artistic visions.

Von-T created, launched, and financed “Symbiotic Music Group.” Symbiotic Music Group is the parent company which houses several emerging enterprises underneath its corporate umbrella. SMG manages a music record label, clothing line, video & tech production firm, and music publishing organization. Symbiotic Music Group released multiple music releases in 2018 which illuminated his diverse rap delivery and global sound appeal. Von-T social media fanbase quickly fell in love with “Turn Off The Lights” which became a “fan favorite” on Spotify and Apple Music.

“Turn Off The Lights” generates listeners from 15 different countries and averages 10,000 active people streaming his digital music catalog via Spotify. Von-T released the visual for “Turn Off The Lights” via Worldstar, and it generated 1,000,000 views within 21 days. Turn Off The Lights video is available on Apple Music, iTunes, & Apple Music TV via MUSICHYPEBEAST/Empire Distribution. Viewers of the obvious love the “helmet” worn by Von-T in the video. The helmet represents creative rebel artistic freedom. Von-T’s “helmet” is creating its own online buzz and consumers are joining the movement daily. “Turn Off The Lights” is on pace to reach 500,000 Spotify streams in 2019. The brand of Von-T will “secure the bag” in 2019 and cement his musical legacy. Von-T is the Prototype Millennial Music Solider, and his success will be televised.





For hip hop music licensing, press releases, marketing, artist/band bookings and PR related enquiries, to submit music, or for general Skunk Radio Live/SRL Networks London Music PR inquiries please contact the music department at
