
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Crazy James - Hip Hop - Bedfordshire, UK | YouTube | Reverbnation

05-04-2023 11:11 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Bedfordshire's independent/emerging music scene with Crazy James

Crazy James
Hip Hop Music Artist
Bedfordshire, UK


Crazy James is a rapper/singer/songwriter from Luton, Bedfordshire. He's been creating music for over ten years now; Performing up and down the country, appearing on BBC introducing and releasing music commercially to a national audience. Over the past year he has headlined shows at the Luna Lounge in London, as well as the famous Notting Hill Arts Club. This has lead to future shows at the prestigious Kensington venue in February, a live performance at the O2 Academy in March and last but definitely not least, this highly anticipated showcase at The Bear Club Luton.

"I make music to express how I feel and to show people that I am a wordsmith. I like to play with words, but also like to tell a story on a thought provoking level. I Mix Hip-Hop with an acoustic vibe and sound. This has lead to me performing at a lot of recent showcase events in and around the London area. My inspirations vary from Michael Jackson to Eminem. Nirvana to Motown. There are not many genres of music I don't listen to or take different aspects from. I'm just inspired by great art. Music is not what I do its who I am."





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