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Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Lehman - Dubstep - Minnesota, USA | Soundcloud | YouTube

19-03-2019 13:56 GMT

Dubstep Music Producer
Minnesota, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


Well I'm 21 now as of 2019, hope you have a wonderful day my friend, if you do then i'll try to too :) By the way my name is Alex, Alexander Everest Lehman if you want to be formal, but who needs that. Anyways hope you enjoy my music been working on expressing myself this way since I was 13 so past 8 years I suppose, crazy how fast time flies right? It's all relative anyways right? So go drop a blotter and it would be my honor to lead you into the heaven I tried to create.



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