
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: DJ Majestik - EDM - Tennessee, USA | Reverbnation | YouTube

24-02-2019 10:12 GMT

Discover EDM music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Tennessee's independent/emerging music scene with DJ Majestik

DJ Majestik
Tennessee, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


It is perhaps no irony that one of Jim Giordano’s artistic idols is the famous French impressionist painter Claude Monet. Monet was renowned for his rebellious innovations in light and color, and also in expressing the ways humans perceive nature. In much the same way, Jim Giordano, AKA DJ Majestik, “paints” his impressions of sonic soundscapes using a seemingly limitless artistic palette of electro, dub, and progressive EDM music. DJ Majestik is a New York native that has evolved into a modern-day “Musical Monet.” His canvases portray musical motifs using a synergy of dark, emotive hues of sound. Like the master impressionists of the 19th century, Giordano had first to be an apprentice to develop the skills to learn to lay beats like fine brush strokes as DJ Majestik. Much of his creative evolution into a DJ derives from his family’s love of a broad range of music. Jim tapped into various influences, starting with his mother who sang her favorite gospel songs. His older sisters exposed him to the diversity of acts such as Iron Maiden, AC/DC and Loverboy, and even bands like Air Supply. While still very young, Jim decided to teach himself to play guitar and piano. He was on a path to morph into DJ Majestik, but he would first study the musical masters to become one himself.

One has to go back to the year 2000 to appreciate where Jim has come today as a DJ, songwriter, and producer. It was at the dawn of the new millennium when he decided to dive into songwriting. Jim explains, “I’m a DIY indie; I had a desire to acquire the knowledge of production and composition." As a writer, he has always relied on the negative energy and his impression of the human condition. "I tap into the emotive power of the dark colors and hues of certain sounds in my mind when writing," He offers.

During the early 2000s, Giordano became heavily influenced by the beat-driven, loop-based styles of artists such as Fatboy Slim, Crystal Method, BT, and DJ Icey. At the same time, he was well on his way to being a master "painter of sounds." He offers, "I was learning the skills to produce his music and acquiring the knowledge of all aspects of the musical business." Whether it was writing, composing or producing, he was ready to release his debut as DJ Majestik. Another Million Years was the first offering from DJ Majestik, and it would be followed shortly after that by a string of albums which included Shroomin' In Outer Space and Life and Times of Charles B. Jones. By 2006, DJ Majestik moved from studio to stage, actively performing sets as a DJ. He began gigging in venues in New York as well as up and down the East Coast.

Like the artists of the Impressionist movement tended to center in Paris, DJ Majestik knew he had to relocate to Music City, U.S.A. In 2014, he took up roots near Nashville in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He had his first taste of commercial success that January as his hit single "Blazin” took off on radio. It featured the talents of Mr. Shammi & Fiorina, and the song's popularity got DJ Majestik signed to Zion Records. The label released “Blazin” globally, making it as high as number twenty-nine on the Beatport reggae/dub charts. 2014 continued to be a breakout year for DJ Majestik, as he was named the number one DJ/producer in Murfreesboro, Tennessee by ReverbNation. By March, Jim had two new tracks "Element 115" and "Go Hardcore." Breach Records signed onto both songs and released them as an EP on Beatport. Nearing the end of the year, Jim released a four track EP with Nashville rapper, 2Four, called Intergalactic. In March of 2015, DJ Majestik released his eleven track EP Night Time with DJ Central Records. By 2015, he was no longer an apprentice, but a valid, artistic master with his inimitable interpretation of electro, dub, and progressive EDM. 2016 continued DJ Majestik's success as he released "Rocky Balboa" and “Best Mistake,” and "This Game." In "Best Mistake" he teamed up with an exceptionally talented producer/vocalist named Dimi Marc. DJ Majestik is getting ready to release more tracks with Australia's DJ Central Records/Blue Pie Productions. He is currently writing tracks for an upcoming full-length album, due to release in 2017. As DJ Majestik states, “Perception creates reality.” It is with his muses and this mantra that he continues forward with each blank canvas, he aims to produce his impressionistic composition. He refuses to paint-by-numbers, he prefers to push the envelope as Claude Monet once did. Jim Giordano has trained himself to get to where he is today. He studied the masters and now he uses his artistic palette to paint soundscapes of various musical motifs. He indeed is a modern day, “Musical Monet.”



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