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Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Ted Hajnasiewicz - Americana - Minnesota, USA | SRL Networks London Music PR

11-12-2018 03:50 GMT

Ted Hajnasiewicz
Americana Music Artist
Minnesota, USA

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆


Ted has been writing songs since before he knew how to play a note. His 30 year career has spanned many genres, reaching tens - maybe even dozens - of listeners. ​ Ted's a husband, a father, a grandfather, a son, a brother - in no particular order. ​ Ted would be so appreciative if those who enjoy his music (you) give him a shout. Even more appreciative if they (you) share with others. Even more appreciative still, if somehow world peace is brought about by one of his songs (though he's not holding his breath - he's yet to find the right sonic formula for world-peace induction. He'll get it, one of these days!) ​



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