
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Holbrook - Rock - Michigan, USA | SRL Networks London Music PR

07-11-2018 17:36 GMT

Rock Music Artist
Michigan, USA

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆


What is there to say about Holbrook, Well, he was a rider...He rode the storm... He's the red headed stranger... He's the beautiful loser...He's that boy named Sue. Scot grew up on a dead end dirt road with the river in his backyard. He studied lightning in a bottle. He's a journeyman electrician. He's made hydraulic lifters for automobiles. He's even been an engineer. In 2007, Holbrook suffered near fatal injuries in a motorcycle accident. After many years of hard work and struggles, he is a blessed member of the Broken Bones Club. Some never make it to that club. Now, he is back at it, "for another few seconds on the Edge...Ahhh the Edge...there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others, the living, are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now or Later." ( cr Hunter S. Thompson 1965). Somehow, Holbrook recieved Later. For him, his wreck wasn't the day the music died. No, for him, it was the day his music was born. Today, he has more than 40 of his own original songs just waiting for a band. For now, it's just his keyboard and drum samples thumping away with a long haired, scruffy bearded, tattooed hippie in blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Then suddenly, my time with Holbrook was cut short. I heard motorcycles rumbling and roaring into the driveway. Someone began ringing the doorbell over and over. Another was pounding on the front window and laughing. He advised me to leave immediately through the backdoor and hurry. I scrambled out the back door. I could hear men yelling,laughing, coughing, and whispering all at the same time. I could hear the motorcycles still idling."potato potato potato". Then they all began revving their engines at me. One guy hopped on his fatboy. I looked at Scot. He shakes his head, tosses his hands up, and just smiles at me. Ye Gods, I thought. What have I gotten into? He cut his demo in just 15 studio hours. Motorcycle is an action packed ride that will really get you going. It's Chuck Berry vibe will eventually wear out your dancing shoes. Maybe your into them deep cuts. Listen to the Blacksmith do work on his anvil. Find out for yourself what he's up to. Are you into the blues? Then Guitar Slide's bare bones up and down tempo with it's rockin finish should satisfy your appetite for a little rock 'n blues. With The Kind, Scot sets the foundation for his outlaw Americana vision. If you're into that stoney sound, then jam out Natural Woman's righteous leads hammered out by Producer Andy Reed. If anything, out of Scot's first five, you should find at least one song appealing to your ears. He says he knows he's got some work to do vocally, but a little practice and a good band will take care of a lot of that. A special thanks to Andy Reed and Donny Brown for their creative contributions. Now sit on back, crank it up, and enjoy the ride.


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