24-03-2025 14:25 GMT
Max Ree
Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆
"I want to get 1 million streams on Spotify. "
People also searched for: Home studio, Machine gun kelly
I stared making rap songs when i was 15 and we always freestyled to tracks n bets while smoking weed and hanging out. Since then its been more like a hobby but 4 years agonow im 29 i started feeling i will qlways like music and being creqtive and expressing myself lets start being serious. Since then i been to Uganda, Kampala in Africa and made 2 songs and a music video Max Rer - Africa Leo. I now have found a producer i like to woek with so we have a strong team that woek all year round. I competed in the american competition coast2coast live with my track Max Ree - Golden Eggs that also has a music video on youtube to it but only got 1 yes out of 3 judges. We then did a song about the cempetirion and the judges and how we would cross all the other compeditors. We then got 3 out of 3 yes. So in november 2023 we go to Miami to compete live in the world championship. I now have my first payed live performance in 27 may 2023 and i made a big event in central stockholm with 4 other artists in february. Last years i completed the DMG education for independent artists to get a better understanding of the industry. We are almost done editing my 3rd music video now and alot of new tracks are in the making the music machine is truly in gear and it feels great.
Im a wild child grown up in both riches and with getto influences. I traveled alot so i have seen alot of the world and have a great love for humanity and its futire. Im abit of and philosof and try to bring my thought in a different way into my music in some tracks. You will see many different vibes and kinds of music from mw.. more of me in a future interview ;)
Career Goals | Objectives:
Get 1, 000,000s of streams plays, real hardcore fans, travel the world and perform, earn millions of dollars and live my best life while being crative to the fullest but also sayin something with my music making a impact and make the world a better place. And then get a deal and get signed so the big machine can help me be even bigger. Perform live for full arenas 1,000,00s of people.
Music Education | Training | Qualifications:
Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:
Home studio, music recording studio
Influences | Sounds Like:
Machine gun kelly, post malone, Rema, bob marley, skip marley, eminem, 50 cent, snoop dog and alot more. Im like a rock n roll hippie trap west coast kinda vibe haha if that makes any sence.
Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:
Yes, 4