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You're Gonna Love This: Drake Style Taken To A New Level | Music Discovery XO Auditions 2023




25-02-2023 17:01 GMT


Minneapolis, USA

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆

"I want to grow my fanbase. "

People also searched for: Audio Technica, Drake


I've been wanting to make music since 2014, but due to finances, I only wrote and played melodies in my head. In high school 2019-2020 I started writing full songs, and recording lyrics on the phone. 2021 I decided I needed to do this for real. I broke the bank and bought equipment that could jumpstart this thing, made a few songs and released a few. But the mix and master wasn't there so I stoped releasing and started working on my craftsmanship. Fast forward now, I'm not sure If i'm 100% there, but I know we're ready and all in.

Career Goals | Objectives:

Fanbase, and get on stage

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Audio Technica, Mic and Headphones, Focusrite Interface, Mac Pro

Influences | Sounds Like:

Drake, Travis Scott, The Weeknd, Kid Kudi, Kanye West, J. Cole

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

Yes, but never have.



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