23-02-2023 04:35 GMT
Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆
I want 2 bring something fresh I'm versatile and I do music become it run in my veins if the fame and money come praise to God but if not I know that I got music that somebody who's homeless can related or a 6 figure worker a 1 0 year old a30 or a60year old man I got so many ideas just opportunity a6i don't want to sound kaky but I got goal and I learn that if u don't consider yourself the best and don't believe it I don't think you're fan base not going to believe you either you have to transmit your aura and everybody that your the best the new fenomen in the industry, 2i know I can be a star in a year know I gonna get a mayor deal and in 5 years I'm going to be not only a rap star a business man as well I'm a songwriter so I can get percent in a lot of thinks and ima be getting fir show25,000 in my fist year I want to be the owner of my masters I mean we can negotiate about that but I have to be part owner so this is why I think I deserve to ve sing and my talent and my nolege of the business mak