
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Skinny Fresh - Hip Hop - Basel, Switzerland | YouTube | Soundcloud

27-02-2019 11:41 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Basel's independent/emerging music scene with Skinny Fresh

Skinny Fresh
Hip Hop Artist
Basel, Switzerland

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆


Skinny Fresh is a rapper from Basel who lived in San Diego when he was ten years old. That's when he also heard HipHop for the first time in his life and was immediately infected and fascinated by it. As the son of a pianist and choir director his passion for music dates back to the cradle. At the age of eleven Skinny started to write his first songs and produce his own beats. Already three years later, at the age of fourteen, he won the Wings-Contest (2005) for highly gifted with one of his songs.

In September 2013 Skinny met his current beatproducer Beatcauzo who coincidentally was looking for a talented rapper. They recorded their first songs and in January 2014 decided to join forces as a producer and rapper duo. In February 2014 they met their current DJ Donnie F and convinced him to join their crew. In the same month they participated in the worlds biggest international band contest (Emergenza) in which they won the swiss finals and therefore qualified for the world finals in Germany.

Even though the crew was founded in 2014 they have already reached numerous milestones. One of the most important ones is by far their collaboration “Bad Love” with nobody less than the internationally known Delinquent Habits from L.A. Delinquent Habits decided to work with Skinny Fresh in order to help them reach the next level and therefore invited Skinny to accompany them on their Swiss-December promo album tour as their support act.

Beatcauzo's unique beats consist of samples from Classical music, Funk and Soul and reminds one of old school HipHop. Yet they are very well produced and seem modern and different. In addition to Skinny's poetically proficient lyrics and flow a concentrated charge of modern old school HipHop hits the auricles of true HipHop fans. The mix of positive vibes and party tunes on one hand and melancholic songs with a message on the other hand makes Skinny Fresh a diversified rap artist. This charismatic trio is on the come up and ready to conquer the world with their music. Or to put it in the words of Ives Irie, former rapper of Delinquent Habits: “Skinny Fresh could become the first international Rapper to be successful in the U.S.”.



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