
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: Shon Derek - Hip Hop - Quebec, Canada | SRL Networks London Music PR

23-11-2018 14:03 GMT

Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Quebec's independent/emerging music scene with Shon Derek

Shon Derek
Hip Hop Music Artist
Quebec, Canada

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆


I had some guitar and vocal lesson back a couple years ago. However, the adventure had begun the very first time that this sound came and hit my soul, uplifted my spirit and made me feel so good; I normally listen to different kind of music; R&B, dance hall, hip hop, Pop, soul, rock and blues. However, it all started because of my love for music. Every opportunity that came up so far, was I believe necessary for my musical evolution up to this day. Let me start with my appearance at the festival international de la chanson de Granby, which was a great experience. It gave me an opportunity to, not only being exposed in front of a jury and the critics, but also allows me to auto-evaluate my self-presence and image on stage. Then not too long after, I attended: les Francouvertes which also allowed me to experiment live interview about my music, my background and my goals. So, In addition; both occasions had helped me to be in touch with my weak and my strength as an artist. Many I played shows at clubs, schools, community centers and many other events. When I look back, I realized that all those moments have not only encouraged my journey, but obviously necessary for my growth. It brought me not only more experience, but also more stability, confidence and even more inspiration. I believe that my music connects with the roots of old harmony: rythm and blues and to come up with this melting pot of good vibration, more flavour, more groove and more charisma to myself image. The only way to success is persistence Shon Derek represent endurance. The stage presence is incredible; the lyrics are groovy & catchy. The world sings along with joyful melody and contagious rhyme. If one word can define the music of Shon Derek it will be global World accolade, we Salute and congratulate... Shon Derek.



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