28-02-2025 10:59 GMT
Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆
"I want to gain more exposure. "
People also searched for: Midi keyboard, Bonobo
I began DJing with vinyls back in the early-mid 90 And while that was a lot of fun, I didn't really see myself playing other peoples records for people I didn't know night after night. And since I ad already started experimenting with putting together my own samples, it wasn't a big leap to transition into the making.
The studio let me keep some more regular hours and was easier to manage on the side of a full time job. I make music because I need the outlet, sometimes I am vey productive, and other times not at all, I still need the full time job on the side and that can also take away from my creativity. But Making music to me is not something I do because I can, It's something I just can't leave it alone.
For some time I've been running A recording facility in Copenhagen, but I feel like the time is right to focus more on my own music the that of others. For the most parts, I have a hard time collaborating with other as I often feel like they can't see the vision. But when once in a while I manage to power through with a collaboration, It often turns out really amazing. I also have a hard time with the duration of track growing shorter and shorter. To me music is an experience, a sort of a story being told. And as with any story, without the introduction to the characters, and the environment, the story gets to be a little weak. So if left to my own devises, I'll pick out the extended version anytime. And It will alway be the version I make first, and the shorten it for the radio edit.
Career Goals | Objectives:
Exposure, exposure, exposure. More fans, Licensing, enough revenues to be able to outsourcr tasks that I dont care for, so I can focus more on the music.
Music Education | Training | Qualifications:
I learned to play the drums back in grade school but everything else is self taught.
Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:
Midi keyboard, a microphone and a laptop.
Influences | Sounds Like:
Bonobo, Massive Attack
Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience: