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Indie Artist Auditions 2023: Keye Katcher - Pop - Berlin, Germany | SRL




09-05-2023 16:52 GMT

Music Audition. Discover Pop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Berlin's independent/emerging music scene with Keye Katcher
Music by Keye Katcher on YouTube | Spotify

Keye Katcher

Berlin, Germany

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆


duality . There is no masculinity without femininity, no love without heartbreak, no growth without courage. Keye Katcher likes to move between gray areas, because here he can create his own colorful world. Just like his native city of Berlin, the singer/songwriter is multifaceted and constantly changing. Development is what drives and inspires him. It is characterized by versatility, which is noticeable both acoustically and visually.

The fusion of opposites . The musical path starts early when he starts playing the accordion at the age of 7 and joins an orchestra. He not only wants to play instruments there, but also sing. Twelve years later, young people are queuing up for a picture with him after a concert in Montenegro, thanks to singing performances to "Bigspender" or a self-arranged version of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face". For him, being on stage means living out his own freedom . It is pure luck for him to inspire people who then thank them for the moment. There is no stage without an audience.

Everyone wants to belong. Also a homosexual adolescent who repeatedly does not belong in the course of his life because he is different. That shapes. The LGBTQI* community has provided Keye with beautiful moments on Pride stages across the country over the past few years. Hence his mission: inspire people to be passionate about being themselves. And convince others that this means more freedom than judging others. In 2015 he wrote the official "Pride Song" of the Berlin CSD " Colourful Love " and sang it in front of thousands of people in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

He is inspired by artists who keep reinventing themselves, both musically and visually. Artists who, above all, convince on stage with their unique voices and performances . Artists who have something to say and stimulate discussion. Artists to remember. With eyes closed and ears open. And vice versa.

" Special. One of the best singers in Germany. total package. Totally likeable. "

Statements Stefanie (Silbermond) and Michael Schulte/ Keyes Coaches The Voice 2020

At the age of 21 he successfully sang in the live shows of "The Voice of Germany" and returned 8 years later as ' All Star' in the anniversary season. In the meantime, he had gained a wide variety of experiences for the next step in his career, from musicals and variety shows to open air performances in front of thousands. Above all, these experiences showed that his creative fulfillment lies in creating his own songs, underlining them visually and, above all, embodying them live.

In January 2020, Keye releases the powerful pop song " Infected " and slips into four creative characters in his debut music video . Five more songs plus videos will be released in a year when they cannot be played live.

2020 had shaped, changed and also inspired us all: "Isn't it enough with old ways?" In 2021 Keye Katcher was ready to break new ground with German-speaking musicians to escape the pandemic blues. After the English EP " Love and Pain " he released a German EP called " Wir alle Eins " in 2021 . In the same year he performs titles from both EPs in an ancient setting in Rome for the United Nations as part of the World Food Forum.

Supported by Initiative Musik, four more music videos and a concert recording with the all-female band were created, which were released together with a remix EP for " Wir alle Eins " in the course of 2022.



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