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Music Auditions: Colt Deep - Pop - Birmingham, UK | Music Discovery XO




27-03-2023 00:11 GMT

Colt Deep

Pop Music Artist
Birmingham, UK

Current Score: ★★★☆☆ ☆☆

People also searched for: Acoustic guitar


I have always loved the acoustic guitar since I was young, about eight years old. I can't understand how anyone couldn't. The look of one, the colour, the strings, how it all works and makes music, I have always been interested to play the acoustic guitar.
I write my own music, I always new that I would, but I was thinking that would be when I have my own house, but I had and have so much time on my hands, so I bought an acoustic guitar and wrote my own music. I couldn't believe how easy it was, when I started to write my own chords and tabs, that's when I new that I am going to be a top singer!!

Career Goals | Objectives:

To make my music video for without you

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:

I taughtnmyself how to play the acoustic guitar. No

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Acoustic guitar

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

Not yet but I will soon


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