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The Bats Reminiscent Vibe: Discover Angus | Music Discovery XO Auditions 2023




04-02-2023 13:37 GMT


Timaru, New Zealand

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


Kia ora, my name is Angus McKerracher and music has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I am passionate about writing guitar jangle type tracks to the extent that it can at times take over my other responsibilities, those being primarily a husband, father and school teacher. I was born in the UK, lived as a pre-schooler in Canada and have spent my life since living in New ZeaIand. Growing up in Dunedin I was highly influenced by the Dunedin music scene of alternative garage guitar sounds and indie pop. I have always possessed an acute sense of insecurity when performing in front of others which has proven a real barrier even disability over the years, which is why I have only really ever performed in front of/with people inside my friendship circles. Recently the reality of cancer has entered my immediate family which of course has had numerous influences on me, not the least of which has been on my song writing and music, but also as a desire to try and share it more extensively and attempt to overcome live performance phobias! Anyway, I guess that is what this audition is partly about. My main objective is really just to share my tracks with as many people as I can and hope that there are some factions out there who get some sort of enjoyment from listening to them. Sláinte, Angus.

Career Goals | Objectives:

To share my music to as many people who are interested.

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:


Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Electric Guitar , Acoustic Guitar, Keyboard, Sonar LE, Garage Band, Condenser mic, Audio interface, Marshall amp

Influences | Sounds Like:

The Bats , The Clean, Straight Jacket Fits, Chris Knox, R.E.M.

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

Not yet



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