
Pro Tools Is All He Needs - Sounds Like: Drake | Indie Auditions '23




07-02-2023 11:48 GMT

Danny MH

New York, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆

"I want to sign a good record deal. "


I started my journey to become an artist over night in September 2020. I was in a bad place and got kicked out of my mothers house in Florida and my fathers house in Pennsylvania so one night I prayed and asked God "what is my purpose? Why am I here?". The very next morning I just had an urge to write songs and as soon as I started writing, I would get an instant euphoria, a feeling I've never felt before. I've always loved baseball and sports growing up but I never got that euphoria feeling from it like I did with music. That's when I knew I found a passion and I should keep going. I was writing for months before actually going to an official studio. I would call my friends and rap to them on the phone and would ask them what they thought. March 2021, I rapped a song to one of my friends who is also a fellow artist, Somertaa, and his reaction was speechless because he didn't expect the song to be that good. The first thing he tells me is "You've been rapping this whole time?!?! Now I am so mad we didn't go to the studio. You know what?! Don't call me until you're in a studio!". I booked my first studio session 3 days later and as soon as I walked in the booth I felt like I was home. The engineer was very welcoming and helpful. I still have the same audio engineer today, his name is DriveByJay(DBjay), and is a artist as well. As time went on, I was developing as an artist by learning how to enhance my voice and finding out the right sound. I enjoy making music because there are so many different ways to make a sound. You can sing, yell, talk, have a raspy voice, squeaky voice, etc and it would all sound different on a beat. I find it interesting because there’s so many outcomes that a song can have. Originally, I only wanted to be an artist until my friends help me realize I can maximize my potential. I get told that I’m very charismatic with a sense of humor so we limit myself to only music when I can be a entertainer as well? In todays music industry, having a musical talent isn’t enough. People want to see who the person behind the mic is and how they act away from the mic. It’s important to keep the fans entertained so the artist can maintain relevancy.

Career Goals | Objectives:

My short term goal is to get a good deal that would help me in the future and to build a larger fanbase. My long term goal is to be in movies , sports entertainment, and have that global fanbase.

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Pro tools , over the head headphones, a booth, Mac desktop,

Influences | Sounds Like:

Drake , XXXtentacion, juicewrld, and jay critch

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

Not yet, I would love to. I practice everyday 7 days a week



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