
Music Auditions: Karen Salicath Jamali - Classical - New York, USA | Music Discovery XO




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Music Audition. Discover Classical music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore New York's independent/emerging music scene with Karen Salicath Jamali
Music by Karen Salicath Jamali on YouTube | Spotify

Karen Salicath Jamali

Classical Music Composer
New York, USA

Current Score: ★★☆☆☆ ☆☆

"I want to find a record label. "


Karen Salicath Jamali Karen is a Multi Award-winning Composer, Pianist, and Professional American Artist, for the last 30 years, born in Denmark, living and working in NYC. & Florida, voting member of the Recording Academy. The Music Story: It wasn’t until an accident that caused a head injury and a near-death experience that Karen started to play music. Previously had never played the Piano the head injury amazingly opened up a new world, and she began to play and compose beautiful and meditative music which heal her all by herself. The music will put the listener into a relaxed state of consciousness. The accident occurred in 2012 and after a long recovery in 2015, she began to hear music in her dreams and decided to record & play what she was experiencing. After 6 years of playing, the result is 7 Albums & 2500+ compositions, and a million listeners. And Preformed in Carnegie Hall 7 times.She is releasing her new album “Hope of Angels’ on April 27, 2022, link hereHer latest album “Sound of Angels” was chosen to the first ballot for the Grammy® Consideration 2021 for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album & For Album of The Year. & "Best Music Video" with the music piece "In Water".Link to Sound of Angels Album Here She has performed in Carnegie hall 7 times with her music. The brilliant composer and performer are devoted to bringing something entirely refreshing and unparalleled to the audience that will express her boundless imagination and artistic with impeccable precision and redefine the standards of classical piano with the subtlety of contemporary spirits.She is a semifinalist In Piano Performance and for composers by the American Price 2022, and a 3rd Place winner of the American Prize in Piano Performance, 2021 community solo division link Her next concert will be on June 12th (2022) at 2:00 PM at Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall. whit American Protege Summer Gala concert Solo with her composition "Angel Blue" Karen is also a many-time winner of American Protege International competitions in the category Romantic Music, New Music talent, Piano and String, 2018-2019-2020. And a selected semi-finalist for "Best performance" and for "Composers" by "The American Prize" the year 2019-2020 and 2021. She has performed solo ad Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital Hall, and Zankel Hall 7 times in 2018-2019 all with her compositions,When Karen was 8 years old, she began to play classical guitar for 15+ years, her teacher was from The Royal Danish Academy of Music link. Her wish was to become a musician at that time, but became a professional artist, first now 25 years later the music came suddenly to her again, and she has been blessed with the gift to play Piano and compose music that she never has done before.The Times said: “Album review of Sound of Angels - A chance encounter with an accident leading to one of the most promising contemporary classical pianists of our times, Karen Salicath Jamali is paving the way for an astounding and colossal stream. Her music is personalized that leads men to reach the space of individual closure through her copious understanding and creative execution., read the article here She is Educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, School of Design in Copenhagen, 1991, Master. Worked as a painter, sculptor, and photographer for 30 years. Now also as a composer and musician. Participated in 180+ exhibitions in Museums and galleries throughout the world, including the Louvre Museum in Paris, In recognition of her outstanding artworks, Ms. Jamali has received many awards from the international art community, including Oscar Award in Art. Her built works include several permanent public sculptures- and installations and she is represented in 700+ private collections. Her artwork is spiritual. She works with nature and diverse materials transmuting energy and light in her artistic vision. Several of her pieces are inspired by the phenomena in general relativity known as “Event Horizons.” An event horizon is a space-time boundary beyond which the laws of physics as we know them, cease to exist. It is her hope that her works speak to the soul and entice the viewer to see beyond the mere physicality of a piece, to a deeper level of personal understanding and emotional meaning. When sculpting she works predominantly in bronze and glass. Her pieces are at once graceful, delicate, simple, and monumental. She draws on the human figure as a common language that speaks to us. Through her style, she is able to achieve works that evoke the universality of the human condition. It is a language that is accessible to all regardless of age, culture, and education. Because of this, her figures, at times, are highly stylistic. They lack detailed hands and faces so that they embody universality. She is able to convey emotion purely through gestures and poses. For more info about Karen's Art go hereFollow the artist here For more information about Karen’s Art please visit: Jamali Chelsea Gallery, Fort Lauderdale Florida. Here & Jamali Fine Art, Winter Park, Florida HereConcerts 2022• Carnegie Hall, Sterns Auditorium, June 12th, 2022, ad 2 pm with The American Protégé International Summer Gala ConcertSolo performance of her piano composition, Angel Blue Get Tickets here2019 • Carnegie Hall Zankel Hall, The American Protégé Winter Gala Concert at Zankel Hall Dec.22th ad 7 pm 2019Solo performance of her piano composition, Gaia • Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital, Dec 15 ad 1 pm 2019, The American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2019 New York , winners Concert. Solo performance of her piano composition, "Angel Blue"Honorable Mention Winner of the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2019 New York, • Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital, Dec14 ad 3.30 pm 2019, The American Protege Music Talent 2019 New York winners Concert. Solo performance of her piano composition, “Angel Rising ” 3 place winner whit her composition “Angel Rising” • Direct 2 Exec Show in NYC 6/22/19 - A&R at Atlantic Records will be held at Engine Room Audio at 42 Broadway New York, NY 10004 at 2:00 PM! SPECIAL GUEST EXECUTIVE: Jeff Sledge (Vice president of A&R at Atlantic Records.) solo Performance in Studio for the Executive and Meeting with Executive After Performance to get Feedback.  • Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital May 12 ad 7.30 pm 2019, The American Protege Spring Winners Recital 2019. New York, winners Concert.Solo performance of her piano composition, “Angel Rising” • Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital, April 21 ad 3.30 pm 2019, The American Protégé International Competition of Piano and String Music 2019. New York, winners Concert. Solo performance of her piano composition, "Blue Ridge" 3-place winner of the American Protégé International Competition of Piano and String Music 2019. New York, 2018 . • Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital,15 Dec ad 11.30 am 2018. The American Protege Music Talent Competition Fall 2018, New York, winners ConcertSolo performance of her piano composition, “Rainbow Angel” 2nd place winner of the American Protege Music Talent Competition Fall 2018, New York, • Carnegie Hall, Weil Recital,3.30 pm ad 15 Dec 2018, The American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2018. New York, winners Concert. Solo performance of her piano composition, “Rainbow Angel” Honorable Mention winner of the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2018. New York, Awards2022* Semi-finalist in the Piano Solo performance By The American Prize 2022 2021 *May 25, 2021, 3rd Place winner of the American Prize in Piano Performance, 2021 community solo division link• Feb.28, 2021, SEMI-FINALIST in The American Prize in Piano Performance, 2021, community solo division linkof The American Prize national non-profit competitions in the performing arts• Feb.28, 2021, SEMI-FINALISTS of The American Prize in Composition—Instrumental Chamber Music (professional division)linkof The American Prize national non-profit competitions in the performing arts The American Prize is a series of new, non-profit national competitions in the performing arts providing cash awards, professional adjudication, and regional, national and international recognition for the best-recorded performances by ensembles and individuals each year in the United States. link, 2020• JAN 2020 SEMIFINALIST OF THE AMERICAN PRIZE FOR SOLO PIANISTKaren Salicath Jamali has been selected as a semifinalist of "The American Prize"- in solo Pianist performance 2019-2020 The American Prize is a series of new, non-profit national competitions in the performing arts providing cash awards, professional adjudication, and regional, national and international recognition for the best-recorded performances by ensembles and individuals each year in the United States. link • JAN.30 2020 SIMIFINALIST OF THE AMERICAN PRIZE FOR COMPOSERS. Karen Salicath Jamali has been selected as Semi-finalists for COMPOSERS (instrumental chamber music division). 2019-2020 by The American Prize for my composition "Rainbow Angel". "The American Prize is pleased to announce a grand list of 2020 SEMI-FINALIST composers of instrumental chamber music, in both professional and student divisions link 2019 • Winner of American Protege Winter Gala Concert ad Carnegie Hall Zankel Hall. 2019, New York, with her composition "Gaia" • Honorable Mention Winner of the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2019 New York, whit her composition "Angel Blue" • 3 place winner of the American Protege Music Talent 2019 New York, whit her composition“Angel Rising”  • Winner of American Protege Gala Performance Spring Winners Recital 2019, New York whit her piano composition, “ Angel Rising” • 3 place winner of the American Protégé International Competition of Piano and String Music 2019. New York whit her composition "Blue Ridge" *The MONA LISA Award, International Art award Prix international d'Art, Lecce Italy Teatro "Apollo" 18 December 2019 • 2nd place winner of the American Protege Music Talent Competition Fall 2018 whit her piano composition, “Rainbow Angel,” • Honorable Mention winner of the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music 2018. whit her piano composition, “Rainbow Angel,” • JULIUS CAESAR IMPERATOR International Art Prize, From The Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo. The ceremony of High Academic Recognitions entitled to Julius Caesar is held at the prestigious “SALA APULIA” of the Grand Hotel President of Lecce, Italy 30 June 2018. The Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo is proud to announce to you that your name is selected among over 5,000 Artists of all Nations, for the “Candidacy” at the JULIUS CAESAR IMPERATOR International Art Prize “If there is a prodigy in the life of each Artist, it is to achieve a goal through the alchemic spell of “Tenacity”, “Firmness” and “Irreducibility”, believing solely in their will to risk everything, to make possible the attainment of a dream, which no one can imagine which, except his mind. The Freedom of the thought of an Artist is closely linked to the individual ability to invest in oneself, through the interpretation of one’s own contemporaneity. In Art, interpretive freedom is a function of vital solidarity. But in the world of Art, this vital solidarity also bears another name: it is called Love. Love for Painting, for Sculpture, and for all the Artistic Disciplines.” • “Pablo Picasso” Award • “The Human Rights” award • “François-Marie Arouet Voltaire” award from by Accademia “Italia in Arte Nel Mondo” Associazione Culturale The High Recognition, held at the Great Gala in Lecce, Italy, Thursday 13 December 2018, at the Antico Teatro “G. Paisiello” 2017• Nomination for the Global Art Award, Dubai, UAE, November 2017 • Oscar Prize for Visual Arts, GS Communications & Others, Monte Carlo, Monaco, October • The Riace Warriors & The International Award for Human Rights Victor Hugo, Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo Associazione Culturale, Lecce, Italy, December • The Oscar Academic Award for Visual & Literary Arts, Foundation Constanza, Chieti, Italy, November • Nomination for the Global Art Award, Dubai, UAE, November • Metropolitan Empire Prize, Foundation Constanza Italia, New York, USA, October • International Award for Talent & Professionals, Foundation Constanza, Italy • Dante Alighieri International Award, Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo & Salvatore Russo, Biennale of Peschiera del Garda, Italy, April • Caravaggio Experience International Award, Bramante’s Hall, Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy • Art Prize Award in the French Riviera, GS Communications & Others, Cannes, France • International Award of Francisco Goya, Dr. Francesco Russo & Salvatore Russo, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, Spain 2016 • The Colosseo Award, Brancaccio Palace, Italy, May • The International Prize Tiepolo, Arte Milano, Clerici Palace, Milan, Italy, April • The International Prize Canaletto, Biennale Riviera del Brenta, Valier Mansion, Venice, Italy, April • Leonardo da Vinci Prize, Borghese Palace, Florence, Italy, January 2015 • The Oscar Prize for Art (for creative capacity and permanence established in art), International Commission of the Critical Art Expo Gallery, Monte Carlo Bay, Monaco, October • Pollock: The New Heirs Award, Salvatore & Francesco Russo, October • The 1 International NOTO Award, Unesco Heritage, Convitto Ragusa Museum, Sicily, Italy, December • Michaelangelo International Prize, Salvatore & Francesco Russo, Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, Rome, Italy, December • Pieter Paul Rubens International Art Award, Associazione Culturale Italia in Arte, Lecce, Italy, December • The Premio Il David di Bernini (Given for the appreciation of the artistic activity performed, because, in it, is an example of a sensitive grace ideational. Made with untiring efforts that creep into the folds of a broader history of contemporary art), Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo Associazione Culturale • G. Pasisiello Theatre, Lecce, Italy, December • The International Award for Human Rights, Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo Associazione Culturale, G. Pasisiello Theatre, Lecce, Italy, December • Marco Polo Art Ambassador International Prize (the desired prize that every year is given to the most important personalities of the world of art and culture) • Salvatore & Francesco Russo, Marin Palace, Venezia, Italy, September • The International Rome Imperial Prize (given annually to important figures of the world of art and culture), Salvatore & Francesco Russo, Piazza del Popolo, Sale del Bramante, Rome, Italy May • The Sandro Botticelli Prize, Arte Communications, Effetto Arte, EA Editore, Russo, Florence, Italy, March • Artista Dell’ Anno per Impegno Creative Manifesto, San Paolo Palace, Palermo, Italy 2014 • The Raffaello Sanzio Award (Given for personal theory, anthropological and linguistic restaged as applied to a new concept of contemporary art.), Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo Associazione Culturale, Lecce, Italy, December • The Nelson Mandela Prize (Given for the intellectual and artistic activities carried out in the year.), Accademia Italia in Arte Nel Mondo Associazione Culturale, Lecce, Italy • The Best 2014, Effeto Arte & EA Editore, Palermo, Italy, April • Premio Trinacria Trefeo il Tempio, Salvatore & Francesco Russo, G. Sciortino di Monreale Museum Civio, Monreal, Italy, March • All Artista, 1 Biennale Della Creativity, Commune di Verona, Regione Veneto, Serradifalco, Artisse, ARTE Communication, Effetto Arte, EA Editore, Russo, Verona, Italy • Shakespeare Award, I Biennale Della Creativia, EAS Editore, Verona Pala Expo, FebruaryExhibitions2021• Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA • Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA • Jamali Fine Art Gallery, Winter Park, Florida USA• New York, USA 2020• Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA• Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA •Jamali Fine Art Gallery, Winter Park, Florida USA•Cannes Art, ArtExpertise gallery Florence, France2019 • Jamali Brickell Gallery, Miami USA • Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA• Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2018 • ARTE sul LAGO, Monastero di Santa Maria del Lavello, Lake Como, Florence, Italy • Art Basel, Miami, USA • Jamali Brickell Gallery, Miami USA • Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA • Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA • Niagara Fall History Museum, Water of Life international exhibition, Niagara, Canada, from 2 May-Sept. • Art Innsbruck – Fiera d’Arte Internationale – with Artexpertise, Firenze, Italy • Galleria Mentana, La camera Delle Meravigli, Florence Italy 2017 • Solo Exhibition, “Event Horizon” at Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA • Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA • Caravaggio International Award Exhibition at Sale del Bramante in the Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy • 2nd Biennal Arts Barcelona at MEAM Museum (European Museum of Modern Art) in Barcelona, Spain • Montova International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Italy2016 • 2nd International Art Biennale of Palermo, Palermo, Italy • Arte a Palazzo, Galleria Farini, Palazzo Fantuzzi, Bologna, Italy (The catalog for this exhibition is in the library of Art History and Aesthetics of the prestigious university “Carlo Bo” Umbria, Italy – The Crypt Gallery, London, UK • Pro Bienalle, Spoleto Arte, Pallazzo Giustiniani Faccanon, Venice, San Marco, Italy• Galleria Mentana, La camera Delle Meravigli, Florence, Italy • Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA • Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2015 • THE VATICAN, Giubilo exhibition, Basilica of St. Paolo Outside the Vatican wall, ”JUBILEE OF MERCY 2016” Rome, Italy • Art exhibition MIAMI meets MILANO, MAC gallery Italy, in conjunction with Art Basel, Miami, USA (Catalog for this exhibition “Miami meets Milano” made by Mondadori) • MICHELANGELO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE – Artist Jubilee exhibition, Rome, Italy • “Pollock The New Heirs,” Villa Castel Nuovo, Palermo, Italy • 1 Internationale Noto Award- Unesco Heritage, Convitto Ragusa Museum, Noto Sicily, Italy • Biennale Milano, International Art Meeting, Milano, Italy • Spoleto Arte, Palazzo Leti, Sansi, Italy • Florence Art Expo, Palazzo Guicciardini Borgianni, Florence, Italy• Modern Art Wonder, MAMAG Art Museum, Austria • 1st Modern Art Fair Austria, Castle Neunberg, Austria • International Art Fair, Carousel du Louvre, Louvre Museum, Paris• Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York, USA • Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA • Venice Biennale, Padiglione Nationale di Grenada, Italy • Pro Biennale Venezia, Milano Art Gallery, Italy • Carrousel du Louvre, Louvre Museum, EA Editore, Paris • “Wunderkammer, The Secret Room of Art” Museum Reale Albergo Delle Povere, Palermo, Italy • 1 International Biennale Art, Palermo, Italy • “From Caravaggio to Nowadays,” Bramante Hall’s, Plazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy 2014 • “Event Horizon – 7 Tones from Heaven,” Faust Harrison Pianos, Fairfield County Connecticut, USA • The Louvre Museum, Carousel du Louvre, Paris, France • L.A. Art Expo. Los Angels, USA • Centro d’ Arte San Vidal, Venice, Italy • Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Monreale, Sicily, Italy • 1 Biennale Della Creativity, Verona, Italy • Jamali NYC Gallery, Soho, New York City, USA • Art and Peace Gallery, Winter Park, Florida, USA • Jamali Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2013 • Gallery Mouvance, Paris, France • Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York City, USA • Art and Peace Gallery, Winter Park, Florida, USA • Hilligoss Galleries, Chicago, USA • Corey Pope, Dallas, USA • Fifth Ave Design Gallery, Naples, Florida, USA • Filsinger Gallery, Chicago, USA • Onessimo Fine Art, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA • Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark 2012 • Sam 2012 Salon des Artist, Gallery 60, Giverny, France • Effeto Biennale, Museo de la Ciudad de Merida, Mexico• Jamali NYC Gallery, SoHo, New York City, USA • Art & Peace Gallery, Winter Park, Florida, USA • Hilligoss Galleries, Chicago, USA • Cory Pope, Dallas, USA • Fifth Ave Design Gallery, Naples, Florida, USA • Filsinger Gallery, Chicago, USA • Onessimo Fine Art, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA • Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark 2011 • Jamali NYC Gallery, New York City, USA • Cory Pope & Associates, Dallas, USA • Fifth Avenue Design Gallery, Naples, Florida, USA • Fran Murphy Interior Design, Juno Beach, Florida, USA • Onessimo Fine Art, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA • Hilligoss Galleries, Chicago, USA • Art & Peace Gallery, Winter Park, Florida, USA • Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark • Gallerie SoNo, Norwalk, CT, USA • Catherine Kelleghan Gallery, Atlanta, USA • Filsinger Gallery, Chicago, USA 2010 • Solo Exhibition Kume Museum, Tokyo, Japan • Jamali NYC Gallery, New York City, USA • Corey Pope & Associates, Dallas, USA • Fifth Avenue Design Gallery, Naples, Florida, USA • Fran Murphy Interior Design, Juno Beach, Florida, USA • Onessimo Fine Art, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA • Hilligoss Galleries, Chicago, USA • Jamali Fine Art, Winter Park, USA • Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark 2009 • SOFA Expo, Chicago, USA • Adamar Fine Art, Miami, USA • Catherine Kelleghan Gallery, Atlanta, USA • Savage Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA • Galleri Mortensen og Markman, Fuglesang, Denmark • Filsinger Gallery, Chicago, USA • Burcchi Gallery, Maryland, USA • Fran Murphy Gallery, Jupiter, Florida, USA • Gallerie SoNo, North Walk, CT, USA • Jamali NYC Gallery, New York City, USA • Art and Peace Gallery, Winter Park, Florida, USA • Madison Gallery, La Jolla, California, USA Peddler Gallery, Murfreesboro, Nashville, Tennessee, USA 2008 • Art Marbella, Malaga, Spain • Open Art Fair, Amsterdam, Netherlands • Art Knokke, Belgium • Ulrikholms Castle, Kertemine, Denmark • Interdit Museum, Beijing, China • Jamali NYC Gallery, New York City, USA • Art and Peace Gallery, Winter Park, Florida, USA • Randolf Van Hein Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA • Madison Gallery, La Jolla California, USA • Forre Fine Art, Aspen, Colorado, USA • Peddler Gallery, Murfreesboro, Nashville, Tennessee, USA • Art Nordic, Goteborg, Sweden • Art Nice, Nice, France • Art Expo, New York City, USA • Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden • Solo exhibition, Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark • Danish Figuration, Gallery Mortensen and Markman, Fuglesang, Denmark 2007 • Line Art in Belgium, Belgium • Spirit, The Spirit In Art, Essence Carstel, Ferra, Italy • Europe Art, Geneva, Switzerland • Solo exhibition, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City, USA • Europe Museum, Malmo, Sweden • Copenhagen Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery Susanne Eriksen, Elsinore, Denmark • Ulrikhom Catsel, Kertemine, Denmark • Slagthustet, Konstmessa, Malmo, Sweden 2006 • Solo Exhibition, Billich Gallery in collaboration with - The Royal Danish Consulate, Sydney, Australia • Solo Exhibition, The Royal Danish Embassy, Tokyo, Japan • Solo Exhibition, Art Front Gallery, Tokyo, Japan • Solo exhibition, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City, USA • Randy Pollok Design Gallery, Sedona, USA • International Kunstnersymposium, Sussen, Germany • Solo exhibition “Space Light,” Gallery Mortensen and Markman, Fuglesang, Denmark 2005 • Solo exhibition, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City, USA • The Faroe Islands Art Festival, Faroe Islands • Art Copenhagen, Forum, Denmark • Solo exhibition Gallery, Bredgade Art Trade, Copenhagen, Denmark• Art Copenhagen, Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark • Solo exhibition, Skovhuset, Vaerlose, Denmark 2004 • Agora Gallery, New York, USA • Solo Exhibition Gallery Bredgade Art Trade, Copenhagen, Denmark• Art Copenhagen, Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark • Solo Exhibition in Skovhuset, Vaerlose, Denmark • Solo Exhibition Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark • Fredensborg Castle, Fredensborg, Denmark 2003 • Separate Exhibition, Danish Culture Institute, Athens, Greece • Gallery Work Place Art, London, UK • Gallery Bredgade Art Trade, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery Mortensen and Markmann, Copenhagen, Denmark • Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark 2002 • “Believe” Gallery Mortensen and Markman, Copenhagen, Denmark • Solo exhibition, Horsens Art Gallery, Horsens, Denmark • Kolding Art Fair, Kolding, Denmark • Art Copenhagen, Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark • Danish Art Fair 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark • Art Copenhagen, Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark • Danish Art Fair 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery Haslund, Copenhagen, Denmark • Solo exhibition, Odense Congress Centre, Odense, Denmark • Solo exhibition, Bredgade Art Trade, Copenhagen, Denmark 2001 • Admitted to the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2001, London, UK • Thisted Old City Hall, Thisted, Denmark • Solo exhibition, Leoni Gallery, Viborg, Denmark • Solo exhibition, Mosting House, Denmark 2000 • Exhibition Old Town Hall, Thisted Denmark • Solo exhibition, Leoni Gallery, Viborg, Denmark 1999 • Rundetarn, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery Kellum, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark 1998 • Muse Eet, Varmland, Sweden • Aeglageret, Holbaek, Denmark • Wrote an Article in Ceramics Monthly magazine, USA 1997 • “Summer Exhibition,” Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark • Sjaellands Ceramic Museum, Roskilde, Denmark • Gallery Pagter, Kolding, Denmark 1996 • Ceramic Competition Museum, Mino, Japan • Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark • Separate exhibition with IBM Denmark, Denmark 1995 • Spring Exhibition at Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark • Kastrupgard, Kastrup, Denmark • Gallery Vromans, Amsterdam, Netherlands • Industry Museum of Decorative Art Biennale 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark 1994 • Exhibition at The Frie Center of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark • Opening Exhibition of Grimmerhus Ceramic Museum, Middelfart, Denmark • “Young Ceramicists” Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark • “24 Things” Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark 1993 • Art Association of the Danish Bank, Copenhagen, Denmark • S.O.S International, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery in the residence of the Daily Newspaper Politiken, Copenhagen, Denmark • The Round Tower Fledgling Ceramicists, Copenhagen, Denmark • “Pitchers & Lids” Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark • “Candlestick Feast” Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark• The Danish Art and Crafts Association, Denmark and the Baltic States • The Round Tower, Copenhagen, Denmark • Gallery Norby, Copenhagen, Denmark • The Art society of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Copenhagen, Denmark 1991 • Graduate Exhibition of the Danish Design School, DenmarkWiibroe Plaza, Elsinore, Denmark

Career Goals | Objectives:

to promote my music and my new released album and hopefully find a Label.

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:

I am autodidact

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

I am Playing on Amy 80 years old Grand Steinway Piano , have some Neuman mic and a Roland recorder

Influences | Sounds Like:

I have been compared with Fryderyk Chopin , Annelie, Franz Liszt, Simeon Walker, Gabriela Parra, Mike Lazarev, Claude Debussy, Sophie Hutchings, Joep Beving, Angus MacRae, Yanni, Max Richter, Jean Bell, Becku Ainge,

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

yes my next concert is in Carnegie Hall Sterns Auditorium on June 12.





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