
Music Auditions: Dup Ed - Hip Hop - Minnesota, USA | Music Discovery XO




25-01-2023 17:42 GMT

Dup Ed

Minnesota, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆


Born in Battle Creek Michigan, at the age of 2 I moved to Minnesota where a year later I suffered lead poisoning from lead base paint. By the Grace of God I’m here today to speak my Testimony, at the age of 8 years old I moved to Arizona. I love singing, so I entertained my family and friends at local talent shows. At that time Usher was a great influence to me with his singing and dancing abilities that were amazing. At the age of 12 years old I hit rough times in life, and forgot all about my music until I turned 16 years old. I returned to Minneapolis and performed at Roosevelt High schools talent show. A year later in 2008 at Transitions Plus, I headed up the first talent show for people with disabilities where there were over 30 performers. I not only performed but I was the host for a successful 5 years! In 2011 I realized my love for Rap in a freestyle session with a MC my friend Vernon Jones asked me to bust some flows. I started free styling and everybody loved it and it felt good. I was truly inspired that day. I connected with a co-worker Aaron I told him I rap and we created my first song titled “Distances”. In 2016, I learned Pro-Tools and produced 4 other songs that I released on Sound Cloud. In 2019, I met Richard Montgomery at “Family Day” he gave me a card. When I called LightLord invited me to the studio, I listened to some beats and found the track for “My Testimony” and the rest is history. (I’m Not a Victim) Dupree.

Career Goals | Objectives:

To get signed and to get fans and find a manager

Music Education | Training | Qualifications:


Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Home Studio

Influences | Sounds Like:

King Von , Lil Durk Ive been compared to Drake and lil Wayne in bars and lyricism and also Emeniem and thses are the same artist I would like to have in a record store with mine also I've been compared to Kendrick Lamar to bars and lyricism

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:

No I have done shows yet





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