
Music Auditions: C.H.E.E.S.E - Hip Hop - Kansas City, USA | Music Discovery XO




27-08-2022 19:47 GMT

Music Audition. Discover Hip Hop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Missiouri's independent/emerging music scene with C.H.E.E.S.E
Music by C.H.E.E.S.E on Soundcloud | YouTube


Hip Hop Music Artist
Missiouri, USA

Current Score: ★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆

Influences | Sounds Like:

Juice wrld, young thug, Lil peep, xxxextention, Lil uzi vert,


My name is Steffon Rainey I'm a artist from Kansas city MO born in st Paul Minnesota by Lanette Rainey and James Jenkins I'm the 4th out of 6 kids. I'm a label owner kinda I'm the leader of my band C.H.E.E.S.E which is a acronym for Conduct Humble Energy Encourage Self Education. CBWYNB Is my organization of my pears and younger pears I mentor the followers of have and our music is for the heart broken , depressed, over stressed, drug addict , abandoned mostly topics that are ignore in our everyday life that need to be more.adressed. basically a mental health awareness group of talent . I hope to get big enough to spread the feeling of not being alone past my pears and out to.the world ots never about the money but the emotional tie to.the fans

Career Goals | Objectives:

Find a manager, get signed, most be heard and to spread a message past my pears ear to let depressed kids to.kmow I know the pain to well

Musical Instruments | Studio Equipment:

Guitar. Headphones

Live Performance History | Residencies | Touring Experience:






For hip hop music licensing, press releases, marketing, artist/band bookings and hip hop PR related inquiries, to submit music, or for general Artists And Repertoire (A&R) or Music PR inquiries please contact the music department at
