
Skunk Radio Live Auditions: the Internet's No. 1 Talent Search Event | SRL Networks London Music PR

18-08-2018 15:03 GMT

Discover music, stream songs/album, watch music videos, find similar artists, play your favorite discoveries over and over again, and VOTE to support your favorite new artists/bands.

Welcome to the new Skunk Radio Live Auditions website.

The new website was launched on the 18th of August, 2018 at 3 PM GMT. Boasting a host of new features that further simply and enhance the music discovery process, the new platform makes listening, downloading, watching, sharing, searching, voting and promoting much easier and much more enjoyable. In the meantime, the old site will remain accessible. Simply click 'more auditions' at the bottom of the page once the last audition entry on this site is reached. All the old auditions will remain where they are and will never be deleted so you can still go back and listen/vote anytime.

The most notable new feature that has been added is the search feature, which allows users to browse auditions by genre, location, type of act, and name of act. To search, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and select a tag of your choice to see all entries that meet your desired criteria. Alternatively, click on the tags at the bottom of any audition to find similar auditions.

We all at the SRL technical department enjoyed designing and building it and we hope you like it.

For further information about the new site, if you experience any difficulties using/locating any of the new features, or for any other questions please email us at

Have a pleasant day.

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For music promotion, press releases, marketing, artist/band PR related enquiries, to submit music, or for general Skunk Radio Live/SRL Networks London Music PR enquiries, please contact the music department at
